Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Subject: Owner of 1019 and 515 To ocean manor blog, I own 2 units in the building. Of course, there are many who own a lot more than I. It seems that Frank has the most influence due to the vast amount he has control in and while I personally do not have history with him to indicate that would be a bad thing, I have only owned since 2009 and some owners that I have met expressed their disappointment with the hotel system and the association board as well. Despite living in NJ, I am interested as well as concerned at any situation that allows 1 or a few individuals with majority or unfair power and control. In the right hands, this is a great scenario for someone like me who lives far away. In the wrong hands it can be devastating to the value of our investments. As a successful business owner, investor, and friend of many who are involved in large realestate investments I would be interested in speaking with ANYONE with ANY prospective as it relates to the unique relationship between hotel and condo owners at the Ocean Manor. I would be happy to discuss any individuals thoughts and feelings as well as any facts related to the business of the association. It is the responsibility of each of us to ensure our investments are safe, prosper, and that the quality of life in the building is one in which we all agree on. That is my goal and I hope we can accomplish just that. The potential of this building for each of us is very high and I plan on doing everything in my power to ensure I reach the highest potential possible. Quality over quantity has always been my believe. I have no political opinion formed at this time and may be interested in taking a more active involvement if it is advantageous to all. Please reach out to me at 908 482 4220 if you would like to provide any information or simply to connect with another owner who will invest in the future of this building. Mike

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fort Lauderdale drowning victim appeared drunk, report says - South Florida Sun-Sentin​el.com

By Juan Ortega, Sun Sentinel 8:27 p.m. EDT, September 18, 2011FORT LAUDERDALE— The last time anyone saw Jenny Aurelia Perkins alive was on a Sunday afternoon in July, when she was drinking at a beach-side resort bar and planning to compete in a bikini contest, according to the Broward Medical Examiner's Office. At about 3 p.m., Perkins, 35, was asked to leave a bar at Ocean Manor Resort, 4040 Galt Ocean Drive, because she had a "heavy drinking episode" and appeared "extremely intoxicated," a report from the medical examiner said.At 11:30 p.m. that Sunday, July 31, workers cleaning the resort's pool deck found her unresponsive in the pool, clad in a black bikini. They pulled her from the water and tried to revive her, but within minutes, Perkins was pronounced dead. Almost two months later, a Fort Lauderdale police investigation into her death is ongoing, according to Detective Travis Mandell, a spokesman. Officials await results of toxicology tests to verify whether alcohol was in her system. After performing an autopsy, the medical examiner's office concluded she accidentally drowned. "As with any unattended death, our detectives must conduct a thorough investigation and leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the truth," Mandell said. Perkins was a mother of three who worked as a personal trainer, her family said. Her stepfather wonders why she was in the pool. "It's still strange. I know my daughter very well. She could hardly swim at all," said Phillip Fees, of Fairbury, Neb. The inquiry also will examine whether Perkins, whose body had no signs of trauma, died by suicide. Perkins' boyfriend told police she had tried to kill herself more than once, the medical examiner's report said. According to the boyfriend, "it was possible that she would have attempted suicide if she did not get into the bikini contest" that Sunday, the report said. In recent months, a beauty competition with a grand prize of $6,000 was held at the resort at 6 p.m. every Sunday, according to a promotional flier published on Facebook.com. It was unclear if that was the competition Perkins wanted to enter. The medical examiner's report provides a limited account of the day Perkins died. It doesn't specify which bar she was removed from and doesn't elaborate on her intoxication. Ocean Manor Resort's website says it provides dining and entertainment at its Beach Cafe, Bamboo Beach Tiki Bar & Cafe and Tokyo Blue. A manager at the resort could not be reached for comment on Friday, despite several phone messages. Born in Manila, Philippines, on Aug. 31, 1975, Perkins was a good child who tended to be "headstrong," said Fees, her stepfather. In the late 1970s Perkins' mother married Fees in the Philippines, where he was serving in the Navy, Fees said. The family lived on the U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay, Fees said. When she was a child, Perkins was grounded for disobeying her parents. She decided to run away and tied a cloth around one end of a stick to lug around her possessions, Fees recalled. Perkins didn't get far: She walked past two houses, then returned home. "She was a free spirit, and I mean [in] every sense of the word," Fees said. "She liked being outside and doing things all the time. When she set her mind to doing something, she usually tried to do it." By the mid-1980s, Perkins and her family had moved from the Philippines to Houston, where Perkins attended high school and worked part-time at a pizzeria, Fees said. Over the years, she had three children from different relationships, Fees said. "I have known her to be a loving mother who would do anything for her children," he said. Perkins married and moved with her husband to Ohio before they divorced around 2005, Fees said. Then she started dating her current boyfriend, with whom she had a daughter, now 4 years old. Her boyfriend also worked as a personal trainer in South Florida, Fees said. Perkins' boyfriend could not be reached for comment on Friday despite a message left on his phone. jcortega@tribune.com or 954-356-4701 Anonymous

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Oean Manor Legal News


Nice going Ricky. Why is this guy allowed to have anything to do with the Association. A "July" News Letter published on August 1, one day after a girl drowns sounds like an admission of guilt. Has anyone called the insurance carrier?

This is clearly a case of Negligent Security.

A possessor of a premises owes numerous legal duties to a business invitee: (1) to use reasonable care to maintain the premises in a safe condition (2) a duty to use reasonable care to learn of the existence of any dangerous conditions on the premises, and (3) to give the invitee warning of concealed perils which are or should be known to the landowner, but are unknown to the invitee and could not be discovered by him through the exercise of due care. (4) Duty to correct or adequately correct a dangerous condition. An invitee is a person who enters and remains on the premises at the express or implied invitation of the person owning or possessing the premises.

Of course any good lawyer will be suing Frank, the Board (especially with a lawyer who should know better acting as president) and the Association. Guess the budget for legal fees and insurance will have to go up.

Opps did I say budget? Silly me.

Rick and Frank will just make the Association pay anyway.

Just like they did with the ADA lawsuit. Rick files an affidavit with a Federal Court saying he lost the mail containing a notice of hearing on a Motion for Contempt against the Association.

The result was an Order entered against the Association for a $1,000.00 a day fine since July 26, 2010.

Check it out for yourself:


Or call the lawyer that represented the Association, (he is your lawyer if you are member of this Association) his name is Douglas S. Schapiro, Esq., (954) 763-7600 and ask him what's up?

He filed a Motion to try to undue the fine but it didn't work.

This all actually happened last year in Federal Court. The Motion was filed by the Association lawyer (I guess that means the Association is paying for him)on August 25, 2010......

and I quote:

1. "Of the 230 units, 169 units are purely residential units and not "public accommodations"."

- Good start, Squire Shapiro, I guess that means Frank is supposed to take care of ADA violations.

2. "The undersigned was retained by Galt Ocean Manor in March of this year to defend it in another ADA case titled Ross v. Linda Ross v. AFT Management Corp. and the Galt Ocean Manor Condominium Association, Inc., Case No.: 0:08-cv-62038- Seitz/O'Sullivan

-haven't heard about that new case yet, wait did he say he was retained by the Association, damn more lawyers’ fees....

3. "As more fully demonstrated below, Galt Ocean Manor is on the verge of bankruptcy. Revenue for 2010 is projected to be $464,429.58 short of the budgeted expenses."

- hum, that definitely was not in any of the Ricky boy's "News Letters" is anyone else feeling a bit sick?

4. "Galt Ocean Manor paid Plaintiff's counsel over $40,000.00 in attorney's fees in 2005 and 2006."

- wait I thought that Frank was the one inviting in the public? Damn it he fooled us again, he is tricky...

5. "Galt Ocean Manor had every intention of complying with the June 2005 Order. However, given Galt Ocean Manor's dire financial circumstances, as more fully described below, it was not possible for it to invest the tens of thousands of dollars necessary to make the required changes when it had a more cost-effective method of providing ADA compliant accessible public bathroom facilities in the lobby area until such time as funds are made available to make the required changes to the existing lobby area bathrooms mandated by the June 2005 Order."

- Jimminey Crickets! Maybe Frank should have just opted for a smaller fish tank in Tokyo Blue's wall and bought a hand rail for the crapper?

6. "Galt Ocean Manor is a 230 unit condominium, whereupon 61 of the 230 units are owned by a business entity known as the Talerico Family Limited Partnership. The Talerico Family Limited Partnership is responsible for owning and operating the "public accommodations" of the condominium including the hotel, restaurant and shops. The Talerico Family Limited Partnership owes Galt
Ocean Manor $234,163.15."

- WTF? Mr. Million dollar renovator, and the Association pays plaintiff's counsel $40,000.00 and this guy writting this motion and then the the Assocaition pays the $1,000.00 a day fine because Rick losses the mail because Frank can't fix a few crappers. I need air.....

7. "In July of 2007, Galt Ocean Manor borrowed $3,080,731.00 from Israel Discount Bank of New York for capital improvements. Due to the dire economic status of Galt Ocean Manor, it is five months in arrears of that debt and on August 21, 2010, Galt Ocean Manor was served with a complaint for damages by Israel Discount Bank of New York seeking approximately $2.3 million."

- Wait is that how Frank got the fancy fish tank in wall? Now I am just numb...

8. "The December 31, 2008 Financial Statement lists four going concerns that have not been addressed and have gotten worse: 1) the lack of windstorm insurance, 2) Inability to pay legal fees, 3) Minimize the concentration and hotel industry risk (Talerico Entities), and 4) Establish a cash reserve of unanticipated major repairs, replacements and debt servicing. To date, Galt Ocean Manor does not have windstorm insurance or a cash reserve. Galt Ocean Manor currently
owes Florida Power and Light $45,377.03 and if $9,978.47 is not immediately paid, FP&L has threatened to shut off power to the building."

- I'm going to get drunk, good luck everyone!

Hey has anyone else heard that the Unit Owner trial is starting in September? I wonder if I could should go? I would love to see Frank, Charlie and Rick testify. What a freak show that will be.

Can't wait to see how that one turns out. Guess the Association we will just have to pay Plaintiffs’ counsel again. Hope we can keep the power on.....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Woman accidentally drowned in Fort Lauderdale pool, medical examiner rules FORT LAUDERDALE

— A woman whose body was found in a resort pool last month died of accidental drowning, the Broward Medical Examiner's Office said on Monday. Jenny Perkins, 35, was found dead at Ocean Manor Resort, 4040 Galt Ocean Drive, at about 11:30 p.m. on July 31, officials said. People at the resort pulled Perkins' body from the swimming pool, and paramedics confirmed she died, officials said.Perkins' death is listed as asphyxiation by accidental drowning, the medical examiner said. As of Monday, a police inquiry into her death still was under way, a police spokesman said. jcortega@tribune.com or 954-356-4701

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Police Identify Drowning Victim

Jenny Perkins: Police ID woman found dead in pool at Fort Lauderdale resort - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Click here

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

Here's who's fighting Octomom in Fort Lauderdale:

Click here

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Swimming pool death at resort under investigation in Fort Lauderdale

By Juan Ortega, Sun Sentinel

4:25 p.m. EDT, August 1, 2011
A woman's body was pulled from a beachside resort's swimming pool Sunday night, and police are investigating, authorities said Monday.

Her death was reported in an emergency call as a potential drowning at about 11:30 p.m. at Ocean Manor Resort, at 4040 Galt Ocean Drive, said Matt Little, a spokesman for Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue.

People at the resort pulled the body from the swimming pool, and paramedics confirmed she died, he said. The death remains under investigation, according to Detective Travis Mandell, a Fort Lauderdale police spokesman.

The woman's name and other information weren't released Monday. A resort spokesperson couldn't be reached for comment.

jcortega@tribune.com or 954-356-4701

August 1, 2011 5:46 PM