Saturday, October 10, 2009

Emergency Meeting?

I have heard that there is an emergency meeting tomorrow (October 10), pertaining to a settlement with General Bronze. can anyone enlighten me?

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin


  1. Harold Paton, Unit 302October 11, 2009 at 6:14 PM

    According to Rick it was an interim settlement wherein the Board agreed to pay G.B. a sum of $10,000 per month towards the balance owed on the windows. The payments would continue until the law suite owners either pay their window assessment or the Association recovers funds from them via legal actions. Once those payments are recovered, whatever amount has acrued, would be reimbursed back to the general fund. It was unclear whether the $10,000 payment includes intersest or goes directly to principal. Rick said that minutes of this meeting will be sent to all owners.

  2. I would like to know how much GB is charging for restaging.IT is only a swing scaffol.That should only be a few hundred dollars.

  3. The board is back to there old tricks!!!!!
    I received the minutes from the emergency meeting.
    First of all where are the financial's for 2008???They are only 6 months late!!!!
    How did the amount owed go from $220,000 to $500,000.Why did they bunch up everything.They need to break down the cost.It looks like GB is adding a lot of extra cost.The restaging is only swing scaffoling.That should only be a few hundred dollars.What are they charging for time lost??attorney fees???IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE GOING TO STICK US AGAIN.Get ready for another assessement.Then really brace yourself because when they settle the lawsuit,we will be open game.MARK MY WORDS !!!!!!!!!

  4. Hopeful this cost all leans towards the unit owners whom did NOT allow access to have the approved windows installed. Then if they do not pay there will be alot of liens in this building. I will NOT pay another assessment or increase due to all of the PIGS on this CURRENT board of directors.
