Thursday, November 26, 2009


Most presidents of condo associations are rule enforcers. If you park your car crooked in your parking spot you will get a notice.

Frank, our president of Ocean Manor, advertises on a web site, Swinger parties. He hosts meet and greet at the bar, after hours parties in his residential penthouse unit with a D.J. and advertises as special love swing. He also advertises a special room rate of $70 per night for swingers. In the middle of the night you have swingers switching rooms.

I remember in the last meeting he said do not blame him for all the wildness at spring break. He said that it is not him, it is other unit owners. Frank went so far as to say he even hired another security guard (he was the good guy do not blame him).

By the way, when is the next meeting? I cannot wait. When are we going to get the certified financial for 2008? They are only 8 months late.

Posted by Anonymous

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Open Letter to CAM

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

a little research.....

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Parking @ the Ocean Manor

Am I being singled out as a malcontent? I had just received word that my van parked @ Ocean Manor, was left with the passenger side window down, and a left rear tire flat. I haven't been there in months.

Last Wednesday my brother who lives in Jupiter came by to start it up, check the tires , and all was fine. As I have previously stated, anyone who leaves a car in our lot should leave the keys. It was my thought that the Valets would look after the vehicles entrusted in their care. I would hate to think I was wrong.

This is a call to have the owner's parking spots, which we are entitled to in our By Laws, once again to be fought for. I have looked upon the City of Fort Lauderdale for the Special Permits Section, and I have not been able to pin it down. Any help on that front would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Donald J McLoughlin