Sunday, August 31, 2008

Double Assessments?

The Condo Office issued several recent emails relating to a planned double assessment payment for September and November. In the latest notice of the 9/11/08 meeting, this item is not on the agenda. Can we infer from the published agenda that these extra payments are off the table? The Blog Team would like to know, on behalf of the membership, whether or not these payments are still under consideration. Double payments on top of a proposed $290,000 Special Assessment would certainly place a heavy burden on the owners. We'd like to hear other opinions on this issue. Condo staff: feel free to add clarification as you see fit.

Posted by The Blog Team

Monday, August 25, 2008


Welcome to the Ocean Manor Condo Owners Blog. The Blog was created to provide a forum for unit owners to express their concerns, to communicate with one another, and to make suggestions relative to the budget, building improvements and the like.

Another purpose is to allow the Condominium Association Board to provide information to owners and to respond to owner concerns. This dialogue should result in a better informed membership, and serve to dispel rumors and innuendo. The Blog is not managed by the Board, but rather by condo owners; however, the Blog Team hopes that Board members will contribute.

All posts will be screened by the Blog and, if necessary, inappropriate content will be deleted. The intended meaning and purpose of the post will be left intact. Posts may be signed or they may be sent anonymously.

A word about anonymous posts: Some may criticize this as sneaky or cowardly; however, the Blog Team feels that the practice of posting anonymously may have a useful purpose: one may speak more honestly and directly if he or she doesn’t fear reprisals from another who may take offense at a particular point of view. We urge our fellow owners to treat each contributor courteously, irrespective of whether their post was signed or not signed.

Posted by Ocean Manor Blog