Sunday, August 31, 2008

Double Assessments?

The Condo Office issued several recent emails relating to a planned double assessment payment for September and November. In the latest notice of the 9/11/08 meeting, this item is not on the agenda. Can we infer from the published agenda that these extra payments are off the table? The Blog Team would like to know, on behalf of the membership, whether or not these payments are still under consideration. Double payments on top of a proposed $290,000 Special Assessment would certainly place a heavy burden on the owners. We'd like to hear other opinions on this issue. Condo staff: feel free to add clarification as you see fit.

Posted by The Blog Team


  1. shortfall dated 8-19-2008 is now at $585,000.00

  2. is it possible that the board is trying to bankrupt the building? Where would that leave the owners of the condo?{and the debt that our board is incurring?}

  3. There will be no double assessments. The $290,000.00 assessment is the only proposed assessment at this time.

    This assessment will be discuss at the meeting on Sept. 11, 2008.

    If anyone has paid a double for Sept. this money will be applied to the assessment if the board approves the assessment. If he board does not approve the assessment then any overage by unit owners will be applied to the next month.

    The short fall mentioned of $585,000.00 is for the windows. The unit owners that have not paid will be assessed with 18% interest, late fees, attorney fees etc.

    Since 2000 all expenses have doubled in the building operating costs. And FPL has just increased everyone electric by 16%.

    Since, 2000 there have only been 4 double assessments (4 months) and $180.00 to hook up to the fire system.

    Plaza South on the mile has just increased their maintenance by 45% this year alone. Most of the other buildings have had increases each year or every other year. The OM has not increased their maintenance until this year.

    If you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer what I can on this site.


    John R. George

  4. Please excuse the "anonymous said" in front of the very important comment posted by John (Rick) George. It was our error.

    We are pleased that Rick has replied to our question and that he has offered to monitor the Blog in order to answer our questions.
