Monday, August 25, 2008


Welcome to the Ocean Manor Condo Owners Blog. The Blog was created to provide a forum for unit owners to express their concerns, to communicate with one another, and to make suggestions relative to the budget, building improvements and the like.

Another purpose is to allow the Condominium Association Board to provide information to owners and to respond to owner concerns. This dialogue should result in a better informed membership, and serve to dispel rumors and innuendo. The Blog is not managed by the Board, but rather by condo owners; however, the Blog Team hopes that Board members will contribute.

All posts will be screened by the Blog and, if necessary, inappropriate content will be deleted. The intended meaning and purpose of the post will be left intact. Posts may be signed or they may be sent anonymously.

A word about anonymous posts: Some may criticize this as sneaky or cowardly; however, the Blog Team feels that the practice of posting anonymously may have a useful purpose: one may speak more honestly and directly if he or she doesn’t fear reprisals from another who may take offense at a particular point of view. We urge our fellow owners to treat each contributor courteously, irrespective of whether their post was signed or not signed.

Posted by Ocean Manor Blog


  1. Over the past 6 months I have received numerous complaints from guests that have rented from me for many years. They have all mentioned that the transient flow of guests is ruining the atmosphere at the Ocean Manor. Parking especially on the weekends is packed with long waits for the valet. Crowds at the bar are loud, rowdy, low class and sometimes end in fights. My question is how does allowing these guests that are not staying in a hotel room helping the condo association? They cross and utilize our common areas, create additional wear and tear and cause our neighboring buildings to make complains against us. We as unit owners do not benefit in any way from any of this however we do get to pay for all of the damage they do to the common areas, the building and the loss of good repeat renters that have been happy for years. As owners we need to pay particular attention to our common areas and that they are not being used for the benefit of a private company without our consent and/or without compensation. I have no issues with a business trying to make a profit however we as unit owners need to protect our investment and make sure we are not being taken advantage of.

    As far as the windows - I was for the window replacement and paid for them in full on my own by the due date. I think it is awful that a few individuals are creating HUGE costs for those who did the right thing. The windows needed to be done however I did not agree to the loan. I think everyone should have been individually responsible and should have been paid in full before the project was started. We should have anticipated that the few trouble makes were going to make things difficult for everyone. Did anyone really believe that they were not going to balk?

    Let's stop making the same mistakes and throwing good money at the bad. Are the individuals in the lawsuit going to be responsible for all these extra costs they have caused the rest of us?

    We love our condo and believe that the Ocean Manor has so much to offer. Why can't we all work together and make the Ocean Manor the great place that it should be, instead of the next low class/cheap spring break hotel?

  2. Wow! Anonymous has hit a home run with his or her comment, by raising some very compelling issues which weigh against our abilty to attract quality renters. Thank you sir or madam!

    As to the windows, I totally agree with Anonymous' assessment of our predicament. Apparantly we are going to pay a penalty stemming from 2 sources: those who are fighting against the windows project and the inevitable attorney fees, those who opted in, but haven't paid their share.

  3. Please add me to the blog email list. I own unit 501. This is a fantastic idea in order for owners to communicate with one another. This should have been done a long time ago. I'm all for it!

  4. As an owner at the Ocean Manor for over 15 years I applaud and thank everyone involved for all the efforts and upgrades made to date. As an out of town owner I am unaware of many complanints and issues regarding the renters and guests. The Ocean Manor was always a very refine, elegant place to stay. I sure hope we can preserve the reputation and that the people we trust to be in charge are running the building in a high class, respectful way. I pray every day that my fellow humans are doing the "right thing" to maintain the quality and integrity of this "family" for a long lasting home and investment.
    Yours truly, Iris

  5. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I picked up a nice flyer complete with pictures of scantily clad women from the valet stand at the Ocean Manor inviting me to the "First Annual Labor Day Weekend Beach Olympics & Pool Party" complete with a $1000 Wet T-Shirt Concert!

    If that is not bad enough the party will feature performances from recording artists from Bullpen Records. Check out their website, they look like swell guys.

    The flyer also states that Glen Rice (yes the one arrested for felony battery in January) and Andre RIson (yes the same one who has been arrested several times) will be an invited celebrity guest.

    The flyer also says that they will be filming a reality show called "Startin Over". However, the city does not show a permit to film a TV show. I wonder if the condo required these people to get their own insurance rider for this event?

    Pray for rain.

  6. Before I comment - are there owners that are attorneys that can help to look into the concerning matters that are facing the owners at the Ocean Manor.
    I would be interested in talking with you at this time - before the Sept. 11th meeting.

  7. I think this is a great idea - I have a question - who makes up the blog team

  8. The Blog Team is made up of Condo Owners like yourselves. We developed the Blog because of the following reality: there has been very little information trickling down to unit owners in matters which are of immense concern to us.

    In particular recent emails from the Condo Office have been confusing and contradicary. This is not necessarily a criticism. After all the size and make up of staff doesn't lend itself to frequent updates, and there may be communication issues between management, Board members and staff.

    The Blog Team will remain anonymous. This in no way diminishes our committment to our fellow owners. We pledge to keep you as informed as we possibly can through your postings and to do so as often as circumstances permit.

  9. I have to admit that I would like to know who the blog team is however I understand why they are choosing to stay anonymous. As long as all appropriate comments are being posted it really doesn't matter. This is a great way for owners to see how others feel and hopefully come together to make Ocean Manor a better place for everyone. I would love to see more owners post their opinions.I personally would like to know if any other owners they think we are getting taken advantage of by the other half (commercial space). As far as I know we as owners jointly own all of the land and share ownership of ALL of the common areas. However, our common areas are commonly being used without permission and/or compensation. I am genuinely concerned about the activities and open doors that have recently been the order of the day at the OM. I think the current lawsuits and legal fees are horrible and if any of the people that are flowing in and out of the building like roaches end up getting hurt on the common area (almost the entire property)at a wet T-shirt contest or other private venture we are going to get our butts sued!!!

    It would seem to me that if the condo association should have to approve these private functions, charge a fee and require the other party to take out insurance.

    Did anyone notice over the Holiday weekend that a large number of bamboo/wood chairs and benches were place on the common area in front of the cabanas? I didn't try it but I bet I wouldn't be allowed to sit in them and eat a bag of chips. Heaven forbid I walk out of my condo with my own beverage and go down to OUR common area and enjoy my own soda or a sandwich. Don the security guard has made it quite clear that we are not allowed to bring our own food and drinks by the pool or beach, both of which we own as an association. Doesn't Don work for the association? I thought we (the association) signed his check. Why is it that we can't do what ANY other owner can do at their condos? Why are we teated as outsiders on our own property?
    Once again I love the OM. I do not want to start problems and heaven forbid any more lawsuits! If there is anyone else out there that feels the same way about any of these issues speak up! Or bring up your own! Hey, maybe your happy with the status quo. I would even like to hear your opinion! Together we can make a difference. Just for the record I am not the blog host however I wish I would have thought of it.... Kudos to you.

  10. The lawsuit that was filed by the individual owners against the Board addresses several issues you are discussing in your threads. Specifically, the intrusion of commercial use into your common areas is a specific act the lawsuit is addressing and trying to correct. Also, owners' exclusion from common areas, such as the pool area when a wedding reception is going on, is not allowed under your by-laws and an injunction is being sought to stop it from happening. The Board continues to allow your rights to be infringed upon and only my clients have taken any action to stop it. The operation of the Tiki bar as a Fort Lauderdale "hotspot" may also create significant liability to the association should a customer of the bar be injured. You have lost parking spots and rights to enjoy peaceful evenings out by the pool. I have personally spoken to an attorney who represents surrounding buildings that has filed several noise complaints that are scheduled for trial. It is clear that the property has changed in character since the expansion of the Tiki bar, which in and of itself is an encroachment of the common area.

    I would be happy to provide a copy of the lawsuit to any interested party so you may understand why my clients have filed suit.

    Joseph D. Garrity, Esq.
    Attorney for Dissatisfied Owners
    at Ocean Manor

  11. To Mr. Garrity - Thank you for your update on the lawsuit. I had no idea it was such a serious situation. I am anxious to read the document as I am sure are many others. Would you please furnish us with your email address so that interested owners can request a copy of the lawsuit.We may finally be moving in the right direction folks!

  12. There have been so many good comments and I feel we need a board that is looking out for everyones welfare in the Ocean Manor and to realize that assessing us at this time is very confusing. What about the 1.5 loan payment - will that be paid off in 5 years as agreed and how ?
    We absolutely need to get on track with whose bill is it !!!!

    From the unpaid windows - law suits and future law suits from General Bronze - attorney fees- Ocean manor has 2 firms on board - utility bills -
    Talking with General Bronze I understand that they are also going to start foreclosure proceedings.
    The question what is this doing to our credit status

    There are 2 entities in the Ocean Manor - residental and the commercial. At this time the commercial properties utilities /general everyday usage- just the water from laundry costs are exceeding the residental usage. The building has changed and this should be reviewed.
    I also understand that the 1st 4 floors and commercial utilities are paid through their maintenace fee. Are they raised the 16% - 24% separately from the owners that pay their own.

    You can not compare the Ocean Manor to other buildings on the Galt to increase monthy maintenance. We are unique.
    We absolutely need to work together for a resovle to these problems.
    Their are alot of people that are not paying maintenance or they have a 45 day grace period. Not to mention that there have been people that have past away and not paid.
    To the lawsuit group- I understand your fight - but monthly bills need to be paid. Too many months have gone by and the bills are high.

    I do want to say that I commend all of us owners for their hard work in restoring the Ocean Manor to this point.
    We now have to work hard at making this a profitable place for all involved.

    Let's face it - who would want to buy into this place. Times are hard enough. Buyers have actually canceled contracts when the Realtors disclose what is going on in the Ocean Manor.
