Sunday, February 22, 2009

When is the 15 % increase due?

Is the board going to mail or e-mail a official notice what each unit owner new payment is going to be?Like they did the last time they increased the maintenance.

They said in Feb after the certified financial were done.What they gave us is not certified financial (do they think they are?)

Can Norman please clear up and send some type of notice of the new maintenance is going to be for each unit owner(after the financials are done)

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  1. I need a offical notice telling me the amount of the new payment. If they want me to pay the increase they need to send a offical notice.

  2. A certified letter dated February 6, 2009, was sent to the owners by attorney, Debra Rochlin, showing the new assessment amount for each unit. A copy of the December 16, 2009 minutes was attached. The increase begins with the March, 2009 payment.

    If you did not receive the letter you can reach Ms. Rochlin at 954-832-9009.

  3. hmmm,

    Guess it better to pay a attorney $350.00 per hour to send out notices than to pay a MANAGEMENT COMPANY. What ever happened to "send your email address to save money". YOU ARE THE ASSOCIATION, PAYING THE INCREASE, TO PAY THE NOTICE TO SET UP YOUR LOSS.

    I didn't receive any notice. Why is an attorney sending out the notice--it is the responsibility of the board to do it. Why are we paying an attorney to do it?? And why haven't I received any notice??

  4. NORM????? Isn't he long gone?????????

  5. I own 3 units and I have not received any notice.

    Has anyone received a notice?

  6. I have not received a notice but have been paying the increase since Febuary 2009. Already know what the delenquint fees are.

  7. The truth is Norman is still very involved behind the sean.I think Norman is scared of the lawsuit.He is trying to keep Frank out of jail,
    Chances are if Frank goes to jail,Norman will go to jail also!!!

  8. Has anyone received a notice from the board, or Norman what the exact amount of the new payments are going to be?Like they did the last time they increased our maintenance.
