Thursday, December 10, 2009

Until the majority of us unite...

the sleaze bags that are running our building are going to continue to push us. We cannot ever expect them to do what is right. They are dishonest and immoral people that are only concerned about their own pockets. It is like we are all waiting for them to be honest and do what is right, and in the mean time they are looking for other ways to milk us dry. I only see one way of stopping them and that is for the majority of us to put our money where our mouth is. If we sit back and let all the others complain, things will only get worse. If the majority of us would hire a lawyer, the cost would be minimal compared to all the monies they have added on over the years to our bills. Even if we just tackled one item at a time, like the parking, I think we would all feel better about our investment. As owners we are entitled to one parking space per unit, we should not have to pay anyone for that use. That place is ours 365 days a year. If we got 30 or 40 owners to commit to a law suit, we would probably win and make them pay for our attorneys. NO ONE else is going to do this for us. I am willing to coordinate this from Kansas, but only if I get some response from the majority.

Posted by
Steve Hodes

Monday, December 7, 2009

if anyone would like to register a complaint with the state....

here is the IP Address

The state handles complaints concerning condominium regulation(i.e. elections, homeowners rights, improper or crooked accounting of homeowner associations, encroachment of common area, serving on the Board of Directors for self gain, ect..)
print it up, fax it in, I don't see much of a future in this building if people don't start looking out for their rights...

Posted by Anonymous

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Increased Parking Fees

I had people renting my unit Saturday they were told that parking went up from $7.00 to $19.00.They told me that Ocean Manor had a vote and that is the policy (no exceptions).I went to Ocean Manor to reimburse my clients $12.00.I asked the parking attendant the new policy.The policy for guest is $7.00 for 4 days, and than it is a additional $2.00 per day for any additional days.if you have a person staying 30 days it will be $59.00.

I have rented my units to the end of Feb, and I told the people that the valet parking is free with a one time $7.00 registration fee.Now I and going to have to reimburse my clients the parking,this will cost me hundreds of dollars.

If you go to Frank posted all the commercial events he has held in his residential penthouse unit.

They have built a 12 foot by 12 foot permanent commercial BAR-B-Q in our common area,to sell hamburgers and hotdog's.

Posted by Michael Bencivenga