Thursday, December 10, 2009

Until the majority of us unite...

the sleaze bags that are running our building are going to continue to push us. We cannot ever expect them to do what is right. They are dishonest and immoral people that are only concerned about their own pockets. It is like we are all waiting for them to be honest and do what is right, and in the mean time they are looking for other ways to milk us dry. I only see one way of stopping them and that is for the majority of us to put our money where our mouth is. If we sit back and let all the others complain, things will only get worse. If the majority of us would hire a lawyer, the cost would be minimal compared to all the monies they have added on over the years to our bills. Even if we just tackled one item at a time, like the parking, I think we would all feel better about our investment. As owners we are entitled to one parking space per unit, we should not have to pay anyone for that use. That place is ours 365 days a year. If we got 30 or 40 owners to commit to a law suit, we would probably win and make them pay for our attorneys. NO ONE else is going to do this for us. I am willing to coordinate this from Kansas, but only if I get some response from the majority.

Posted by
Steve Hodes


  1. We can all sit at the tiki bar and tables take up space and bring our own beverages and order nothing. I am sure this will start a riot. These sleaze bags need a lesson in bussiness. Anyone have a better plan. LETS PICKET THIS PLACE WITH BANNERS AND PROTEST. After all it your association.

  2. Steve why do you call our lawywer(954) 570-6616 and join the law suit that we have going on.The more people that join the stronger we are.Our lawsuit is not about the windows,it is about the corrupt board

  3. The shame of this whole thing is we get a few proactive people that try to do the right thing. Then comes election time and THEY GET VOTED IN AGAIN AND AGAIN. I think only a handful of owners read the blog and the rest just vote blindly. Money might be better spent by mailing each owner an unbiased update of what is happening and urge them to read the blog to stay informed. Then when election time arrives to vote responsibily. I do like the picket idea too ;)

  4. We definitely need a couple of candidates to run for the Board next time that are owners and not friends of Frank. It would be hard for us out of towners to do it. We also need to lay our hands on a list of owners and their contact info.

  5. Wake up!Frank and Charley own too many units.They vote themselves in every year.What every one needs to do is file a complaint with the DPR,that will not cost a penny.Than they will be investigeted by the state.

  6. The rule makers and breakers have the majority of the votes. If they sprayed for roaches I would not have to run the a/c 24 hrs a day with the unit empty. Roach problem solved. Roaches do not like cold air below 75 degrees. Go pay the electric bill. Now what do we do with the pig in heels. LOL

  7. All parking spots should be clearly marked for each unit owner.(PERIOD)

    No has right to your spot. (period)

    The cam needs to push there feet real hard and get there head out of there ass.

    You are being over charged for monthly maintenance and the cam wants to compare our rates with the high class neighbors.

  8. If you would like to see the list of owners of OM you simply need to log into the Broward County Property Appraisers website. (you can google it). Then type in 4040 Galt Ocean. I did not have time to do an exact count, but I appears to me that Frank and Charlie do not own more units total and individual owners. Of course, I do not know who their "friends" are but I think it all independent owners united with their votes, we could turn this situation around.

  9. You are a lot of hot air.You are the same people who will not join the law suit.Will not report them to the DPR.You are the same people who do not have enough balls to do anything .I paid for my windows and I paid all of my maintenance (for 3 units) .I joined the lawsuit because it is not about the windows,it is about the royal screw en that we are getting
    Steve why don't you report them to the DPR,it is free (DO SOMETHING EXCEPT BLOG!!)

  10. Whilst, we don't always agree with Frank and Charles, we would not want Steve Hodes leading us as he sounds like he has bats in the belfry!
    Good God man, the building has been engaged in a lawsuit for quite a few years, we're you not aware of this?
    Obviousely not with your foolish attempt to sound off by wishing to engage in another lawsuit.
    You've also opened yourself up to a lawsuit regarding slander and defamation of character by calling the Board Mmebers sleazebags.
    Perhaps before you go running off at the mouth, you get your facts straight before engagaing in battle.
    Yes, as Mr.Bencivenga says, do something constructive insteading of blogging!

  11. Mike can you explain what "screw en"
    means ?
    Is your maintenance fees too high?
    Over paid for your properties?
    Please clarify - Thank you

  12. Mike
    I think you need a course in anger management and proper grammer.

  13. I looked up "sleazebag"and the defiinition was a person low standards of honesty or morals.HELLO... how was our swingers party that was held on Dember 18.... It seems to me that Mr.Hodes holds a clear view as to what is going on at the Ocean Manor,"They are dishonest and immoral people that are only concerned about their own pockets. It is like we are all waiting for them to be honest and do what is right, and in the mean time they are looking for other ways to milk us dry."

    We do not have certified financial's for 2008.I want to know if Rick forged the signature on of the certified financial's for a prior year?They keep taking over our common area for commercial use.The penthouse is residential and they hold commercial events in them (like swinger parties).The parking is suppose to be free to owners and guest, now our guests have to pay $2.00 per day. I want to know who paid for the construction of the penthouse balconies?,and who paid for the railing for the balconies?It goes on and on.That is what I mean by getting the royal screw en.

  15. I think mr. ANONYMOOUS SHOULD TAKE A COURSE IN GROWING A PAIR OF BALLS,and do something!That is the problem everyone thinks that they do not need to do anything because there is a lawsuit.

  16. Hurricane Willma Insurance Claim paid for the Penthouse and your maintenance fees are paying for the new resturaunt.

  17. The new restaurant? What a joke! It's cost OVERRUN is now 1.5 million. Add to the fact where are the cars going to be parked when it opens?Leave Mike Bencivenga alone, as at least he is not an idiot like that other fool who wants to start another lawsuit so maybe it will go nowhere like the first one is, but is costing us money. File complaints with The State,The DPR, The Attorney General, The IRS,and finally Immigration for all the illegials working here.
    Hurt Frank and Charlie's pocket not your own with lawsuits. WAKE UP and file complaints as the more complaints filed the more this place will be looked into instead of paying some greedy lawyer to sit back and do nothing but collect money!

  18. Hey Anonymous, if you have proof that insurance and maintenance fee money was used, present evidence. If not shut up!

  19. To Anonymous, from Anonymous.

    When OM personel intenional broke my units windows after my huricane inspection and collected the insurance procedes. Dated photos tells no lies.

  20. By the way the lawsuit is far from over .Believe it or not things would be a lot worst for everyone, if there was no lawsuit .Charley and Frank are on their best behavior,because of the lawsuit.They are vulnerable now. Everyone needs to file a complaint with the
    If we settle the lawsuit with OM (anything is possible),the whole building would be in big trouble.

  21. Has anyone realized that as lawsuits against the hotel/condo association are raised. We (the owners) have to pay to defend ourselves against these "lawsuits". And how is that going to happen you may ask? Why increased maintenance fees or assessments, of course.
    I'm a little leery about joining lawsuits by lawyers retained by people with such limited literary skills and cognitive reason, as demonstrated in this blog. Makes me wonder what kind of crap these people were fed by these so called lawyers.
    WAKE UP!!

  22. There you go again,another excuse to do nothing

  23. Anonymous,
    you sound very judgemental, "retained by people with such limited literary skills and cognitive reason", you pick on certain peoples' comunication skills, yet you can not tell the fundamental diference between right and wrong. The Board of Directors has a liability policy that has retained very competent legal team. I don't know how they can claim to run up a high legal bill.

  24. Anonymous from Dec 27--

    Do you have a better plan? Do you mean cognitive reasoning in place of cognitive reason?

    Now that we know who is literate, let's act together to get the best possible resolution. A complaint against the business that operates the Tiki Bar could not (legally) be defended by association money. Nor could a complaint against the company running the parking lot be defended with association money.

    It does make sense to me that you are leery, but some actions should be taken. If you don't want to join the lawsuit, file a complaint with the DPR.

    If you have a better solution, post it.

  25. anonymous dec 27.

    You should be aware that your first phrase is not a sentence, and that a question mark is missing somewhere.

    It's hard to write properly on a blog.

    The content here is important and people should not have to worry about their grammar when they are posting.

  26. Is it topix or topic ?
    Who cares as long as jail time is served.

  27. Wow! Some of you people are really mean. My point is that until a majority of us unite to fight, they will continue to take advantage of us. All of you anonymous people who wont sign your name because you are afraid need to stand up and quit letting other people fight your battles. There are more of us than them and I think no matter what we do if we show them a united front, we will win. I dont know what the proper action would be but until everyone who is concerned gets together, we will all suffer. I really doubt that the state is going to do anything but slap them on the hand again but I just finished filing a complaint with the DBR. It is up to us to fix this

  28. And what is the status of this lawsuit? It seems we have been hearing about it for years but yet nothing seems to have happened.

  29. Steve Hodes, don't whine and complain when people don't respond to your foolish attempt at rallying the membership into another ridiculous lawsuit!
    You want to add another lawsuit to one that is going nowhere but costing us all money.
    Where is your voice at board meetings?
    Obviously, you've have done nothing before and now all of a sudden your calling others chicken for not signing their names?
    Your a damn fool for slandering the Board in writing as you may have a lawsuit brought against you.
    As for your plea that there's more of us then them, count how many units Frank, Charlie and the rest of their "friend's" own and then see what the real deal is and why they rule and you don't and won't.
    Why don't you leave the building if your not happy?

  30. Problems lies within board leaders not livin within there means and electing to do so.
    Mean would be calling someone a sleaze bag.
    Second problem is believing your realtor that you made a wise investment.
    Third would be believing a laywer will fix your investment.

  31. ANONYMOUS 1-06-10.
    You are a worm!

  32. To Anonymous above
    You sound like a Frank supporter. Is he paying you under the table too like the others? You must be a complete idiot to defend this Board. Why dont you do anything constructive besides write anonymous comments, saying we should just bend over one more time. What is your solution? Have you got one? Until we all get together and say NO MORE, they are going to continue to do whatever they want with our money.
    Steve Hodes

  33. If everyone is so unhappy, why not just sell and get out?

  34. Hey Anonymous 1-06-10... Frank is that you??

  35. If I were a Hotel/Condo/Owner I would do exactly what Frank is doing. Hide all the records and spread all the expenses and then some to all of the unit holders. No wonder the windows were so over priced. Can not wait for the next _ucking.

  36. There does not have to be a next one if everyone would unite and say we are NOT going to take it anymore.
