Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I would like to wish all my neighbors a better year at the Ocean Manor, than we had last year. Please keep in mind, the definition of insanity, " Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." Let's all try to have a great 2010 !!

Posted by
Donald J McLoughlin


  1. That being said,... " Who is willing to run for president against Frank? " He or She sould be a member in "good standing", wih no outstanding assesments, or delinquent maintannence payments and a full time resident of at least the neighborhood, {normally i would say the building, but would anyone with half a brain really want to live their full time?} If anyyone would like to nomininate a candidate I would be willing to ask anyone. I don't think it would be too much work, as the hiring of an outside management company seemed to be much more fair to all concerned, and would adhere to our ByLaws.
    It would be nice to see some new blood in the management of the building.

  2. I agree completely. It is time to take the building back.

  3. Don, draw up a specific action plan and post it under that heading so that we have clear directions to follow from one source. YOU.

    Do this even if you have already done this before.

    Not trying to be pushy but the building needs you to do this.


  4. Those were both positive comments, which I like to see. However,I disagree with DJM about the job not being too much work. Personally I think it will be very challenging to put it mildly. Finding someone who wants all the headaches attached to the job may be far and few between.The only person I have observed over the years that that the guts to run (who was not a hotel owner) was Lenny Koppleman. Mr. Koppleman did a very good job. How about it Lenny?

  5. Get real people.You need more than one person on the board(He will be a puppet).You need the majority of people on the board,And that is impossible. Frank,Charley,and all their friends and family own too many units.
    The only thing to do out side of suing them, is file a complaint with the DPR( It is free).If all the people who do nothing but blog,would file a complaint that would be a positive .I would guess that no one would do that, because they do not have enough guts to even put their name when they blog.

  6. So did you file a complaint Mr. Bencivenga?

  7. Yes,I did file a complaint.I am not afraid to sing my name.I bet that gives you a confort level.Now you can sit back and do nothing,and let other people fight for what is right.

  8. I just got off the phone with my tenant who have stayed at my condo for the last four years for the entire month of February and this is what he tells me "he likes my condo which is very clean and in good condition but the building has deteriorated a lot, it's dirty and unkept in most areas, it's is infected with bugs and the elevator breaks down almost daily. He also witnessed a number of guests that were very disgusted and left to other hotels because of the conditions of their units. His conclusion was that whoever is in charge is running this place down to the ground and he recommends that we the owners should unite and do something about it".

    This is our reality, we are letting this place go and I hope it’s not to late to rescue this building….
