Friday, February 26, 2010

Parking Fees Revisited

Most owners who rent their units are probably booked for the 2010 season, and are now formulating their marketing plans for next (2011) season. If you use a web site or other media to advertise, this would be a good time to include a disclosure outlining the fees for parking, beach chairs, umbrellas, etc.

Many of us were caught unawares when our renters began calling us to complain about being charged for parking at the OM. We have yet to see anything in writing which authorized these charges. Evidently, they began as a $5 fee for the duration of a stay and then were increased to $7 for the first 4 nights and $2 per night thereafter.

Although one might argue that the charges are competitive when compared with the industry as a whole, why do we have to learn about these important fee revisions - parking, beach chairs, umbrellas, and the like - from our guests? It is embarrassing, at the very least, and has required many of us to reimburse our renters after the fact.

A plea to the commercial owner, the Board of Directors, and the CAM: Please * please * please * when changes are made to the by-laws which affect our contractual relationship with our renters, do not assume that we, the owners, many of whom are scattered around the country, will somehow be zapped with enlightenment. You have our email addresses as well as the Blog. Please keep us informed.

Footnote - this issue was also addressed by Michael Bencivenga in a December, 2009 post.

Posted by the Blog Team


  1. I must commend the blog team for thier neutrality, even when addressing gross violations of our "by laws", and the rape of us and our tenneants. The "Parking Tax", is a little much, even by New York Standards. If the mobsters up here charge you a tax at least they will protect your properties when you pay it. I have not heard of any "Happy Customers". I my self have suffered vandalism repeatedely in the parking lot.They name streets after programs like our parking program,"one way".

  2. Does Frankie charge a parking fee for his sex parties? Do all his employees pay to park? Why are there so many flat tires in the parking lot? Bad tippers?

  3. Why is there any rental charge to owners or their tenants for the parking lot or the beach chairs or the unbrellas? The parking lot is owned by the condominium owners and the condominium association paid for the beach chairs and the umbrellas. Who is renting our property back to us??

  4. The bylaws also say that no one can profit from the use of the common areas.
