Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break Crowd

Once again this year I just had to return a week of rent to a perfectly good family because of the spring break crowd that Frank has brought to our building. They have taken over the beach and the pool, thrown people off the elevators, partied loudly until all hours etc. etc. etc. Until we all stand together, this will continue.

Posted by
Steve Hodes


  1. Michael BencivengaMarch 18, 2010 at 6:41 PM

    I always tell my renters that the month of March is college spring break,and there will be college kids at the building.

  2. Geez, give it up already. Its been a hotel since 1955.

  3. Question should be:

    Is Frank paying his Florida Tourist Development Tax?

    Email us at:

    The owner/dealer is guilty of violating a County Ordinance which is punishable by a fine in an amount not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed 60 days This is in accordance with Florida Statute 125.69(1).


  4. Anonymous it's about time someone stated the obvious!! This is a HOTEL/RESORT not a monastery. People come here to have fun and party. If this is not what you wanted, I guess you made a bad investment, you should have invested in a nursing home. As for my investment, I'm happy with the action.
    Action = Rent = Money.
    I'm with you Anonymous .... give it up already.

  5. Frank is that you commenting again anonymously. Sign your name you big chicken!

  6. To anonymous 3-20 5.36 AM
    I do not know of any hotels that would allow want goes on at the Ocean Manor.Most hotels have a age limit,and how many people they can pack in a room.You should spend a night with your family (if you have a family). I do not think you would want to be woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning by drunk screaming kids, or swingers swapping rooms..Walk down the middle stairs it smells like pee.Look at the halls, the carpet is stained and filthy.The place is a zoo.
    Frank uses his residential penthouse for commercial events, that is not allowed.That overflows our lobby,pool,common area,and the parking. I guess Charley likes that he is making a fortune with the parking.
    I do not want a monastery,or a nursing home,but this is way out of hand!
    By the way you are pretty bold with your comments, but you do not have enough guts to post your name.That makes me think it is Norman,Frank,Charley,or someone profiting from this garbag

  7. I've stayed in a lot of hotels and resorts at all different price levels all over the world. I had a lot of fun and so did the other guests. BUT, without crude, offensive or dangerous behavior, and without destruction of the facility.
    If Action = Piggy, disgusting behavior, don't count on rentals to = money.

    The baseline of acceptable behavior respects the health and safety of others.

    The only people who make money from this is Frank,and Charley.Everyone else looses

  9. About the parking...Please, advice your guests to be very careful leaving their belongins in the car. A GPS was stolen a couple of days ago from my tenant's car and Amanda was not the best to deal with, she was just went in a defensive mode saying, "this things never happens here..."

    Juan S.

  10. Holy Crap, who cares. you purchased your 35g unit and the hotel is what it is. 6 people in a room
    generates lots of pizza and booze sales. That what you call free interprize.Maybe you need to check out during spring break

  11. You know what?

    As much as we all do not like the advantage taken and the disadvantage revived. I do not think Frank has time to play on the INTERNET. My anonymous opinion.
    Has anyone consider sound proofing your unit?

  12. has great reviews you can trust on Ovean Manor Resort Hotel. Have pee k.

  13. Frank is going to run the place down, milking every last dime out of it. When his hotel franchise hits rock bottom, then it will be time to sell it to the next "goodfella". The next guy will start off great but fall into the exact same pattern.

    By the way, the hotel staff is intimidating our guests when they see them with food bought somewhere other than the gift shop. Going so far as confiscating cokes and yogurt our guests consume on the beach. I've heard it more than once.

    My guest complained to the front desk of noisy partiers at all hours, broken bottles, and drug sales and was told to go somewhere else as this is spring break. When I told the manager this he said my guest was a liar and that his staff would never say such a thing. I am telling you, I am not having a hard time deciding who to believe.

  14. If it was not for the booze sales, this place would be empty year reound.
    Ever hear of under age drinking.
    Happens all the time.

  15. Under age drinking: Heard of it. Very hard to put a positive spin on it. Seen it close down a prominent high-roller club ("Touch") on 52nd Street here in NYC last month. Padlocked, contents auctioned, interior fitting removed...

    But maybe pay-offs in Fort Lauderdale are easier and cheaper than in NYC...But the right complaint in the right place keeps it from happening "all the time."

  16. Now that the booze is served on common ground and no profits considered in return. When injury or litigation occurs. Unit owners will pick up the expenses due to board members neglecting the association rules. Do belive the beach is common ground, or better yet public. Where rules as “no beach balls allowed” would be considered unjust. Do believe unit owner is allowed a fixed parking spot and his PERSONEL BUDWISER. When Tax Law man catches the pig in heels the bubble will pop. When the maintenance fees go up 20% next February of 2011 you will think about this, Will ya?

  17. If Frank can (and does) usurp any common area any time he wants, then he should also indemnify any action in that area. Perhaps the condo can realize some insurance rate savings and our maintenance fees could go down. (Fat Chance of that!)

  18. That non stop bang bang hip hop music at the tiki bar really dose wonders for the tropical oasis. Why not tune it down bar manager. Two drinks is about all my guest and I can take of that crap. Never mind trying to enjoy a meal. At least play something more enjoyable to the ocean scene as Marley and Buffet. Maybe supply ear plugs for the hungry.

  19. You may have a claim against the "Association" for their failure to maintain the Common Elements. This duty is owed to the owners and is non-delegable- meaning they can't shield themselves from liability by blaming somebody else like a management company or repair company.

    In Florida it is difficult to sue the Board Members individually for the work they do or don't do as members of the Board. The "Business Judgment Rule" protects them from being sued personally for the work they do as board members.

  20. or claim fame for the particles of sand come forth
