Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is it true there is greatness in our midst?

Did anyone catch "the People's  Court"?  I  missed it but I heard there was something on about the coffee shop in our lobby...I hope it portrayed our building well.

Posted by
Donald J Mcloughlin


  1. Well, we could use some good PR for a change. This season is the pits.

  2. I heard that Samatha,and Rita were be sued

  3. When will it end?
    I can not believe that Frank painted a big blue face with the name of his restaurant on the front of our building.The front of our building is common area. Where is Rick the CAM this is not allowed.Also he has taken over our common area with a Bar B Q by the pool.He has tables in our common area that go from his bar all the way to the pool.They are taking over everything!!

  4. It had something to do with Samantha and Rita misrepresenting a brand of coffee, or so I hear.our Board misrepresenting something? Say it ain't so...

  5. When will it end?.....They are taking over everything!!

    Unfortunately, they have already taken it over. It is a done deal. The building is a hotel that just happens to have some independent condos in it, not a condo that happens to have a hotel in it. Frank owns all the commercial property and this, according to the condo docs, gives him the right to do anything he wants with the common areas. Anything he wants at all. It is not only in the docs but it was supported by state regulators in an official position. Just be happy you don't have to kiss Frank's ring or get a set of kneepads for Charlie. Not yet anyway.

    If you want to get Frank in trouble, why not report that he installed the barbecue without a permit or how about all the electrical extension cords that run through mud puddles that power the tiki bar?

  6. You got it all wrong!The condo docs do not give Frank the right to take over comon area.I pay maintenace for the right to use and enjoy the comon area.The front of the building is comon area,the bar B Q is on our comon area,and his tables that are by the pool is on our comon area.

  7. I wish you were right. I hope you are right. I want you to be right. But I don't think you are right.

  8. Frank Talerico is dirty no matter how you put it, he sold my husband a house that had part of the house sitting on an adjacent lot that he owned... got his to sign it over to me, but he forgot to let me know that he had MOVED a mortgage to those empty lots, so now i have a worthless peice of real estate and have to sue to get the mortgage taken care of by HIM~!
