Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why Not Do Something Positive to Change the Situation?

If everyone is so passionate and correct in everything they are posting, why aren't they publishing it under their names instead of anonymous? Also, why are they pursuing a course of action that not only penalizes themselves but also everyone else in the building, if in fact they are "trying to make things better"? Why not just vote the current management out of their positions instead of just bitching about it?

I am an owner of one unit (and yes, I did pay for my windows instead of costing others money because of my self-centered stupidity) and am looking to buy another. By the way, this purchase is being held up because I have to clear some minor legal hurdles because of these dumb lawsuits. This hurts the current owner, not me because they need to put their money in escrow. And eventually it will hurt these people who are putting up these roadblocks when they attempt to get out of their so called bad investments.

I don't live in the building, I come down occasionally. I see improvements to the building and the grounds every time I come down. I like the activity because it shows growth. I like the fact that a high end restaurant is being built, it shows growth and possible recognition on a national scale. I am excited about the possibilities. That is why I am continuing to invest in this site.

If you nay sayers are not satisfied, why not pursue a positive course of action instead of the negativity being so abundantly applied on this blog. If you are so positive about your supposed convictions, why not do something positive to change the situation. Perhaps it takes too much effort on your part to initiate positive effect. It's alsways easier to be negative and contribute nothing.

I'm sure this will spur a whole lot of comments but rest assured I am not a lacky of Frank, or Charlie or whomever else you would care to associate with me. I am an investor who has seen a lot of positive change and am willing to invest more in this property during these financially troubled times.

I am also not afraid to sign my name.

Yours truly, Jerry Guiro (422 .... soon to be the pround owner of another unit which I will not mention at this present time)

Posted by
Jerry Guiro


  1. Gerald,

    This a blog and if we want to post a message anonymous is because we are afraid.
    Very afraid.

    Good luck with your investment.


  2. Very good post Jerry as you make some valid points!

    However,where you see improvements I don't follow?

    "Bitching" is our only release as Frank and Charlie, not only control "The Candy Store" but own it.

    How do you fight them and get them off the Board when their in TOTAL control?

    Do you really feel, that the insanity that prevails here is leading the building into glory days?

    The builing is unkempt, filthy, caters to trash, when it can be so musch more with the location it's afforded.

    Perhaps Jerry, you should really speak one on one with some of your neighbors and get there take and then see why the lawsuit was set forth.

    Have you read The Post here entitled "Jewel of the Mile"??

    Please read then see what you garner from such and then please post your thought's here.

    Look forward to your reply.

  3. Jerry
    You bring up some great points, and pose some thoughtful questions.
    I am told that people post anonymously because they fear retribution from the current Board. I have not felt that but like you I don't live there day to day. I have heard some horror stories from people who have used their names on the Blog, their locks were drilled, they have lost long term tenants due to harassment, and Parking is an abomination.....
    The course of action we are taking does in the short term hurt us all. Long term all we are looking for is adherence to our Bylaws and the Florida Statutes regarding Condominium Governance. Part of that governance would include; properly audited financials, {not an opinion formed by an accountant, based on information received by the Board}, Our common area, an asset which is deeded to us would be protected, this would included parking, the oversized Tiki Bar, the large patio for the coffee shop, the indoor coffee shop with its tables in our lobby, and the air rights over the building where balconies have been built, and the restaurants expansion over the cabanas.
    The appearance of the building has been changed without 75% of the homeowner’s approval.
    People are afraid to run for the Board due to the history of the people who have been hurt for being on the board in the past, ask Alex, or Shelly. This is also a Fiduciary Duty, anyone on the Board can be personally held liable for any malfeasance proved by a court. In order to run for the Board all assessments and maintenance payments must be paid up to date, I had asked for an accounting so I could write a check and run for the Board but to this date I have not received a statement.
    As far as my own “self centered stupidity” I received an estimate for 27 thousand dollars to do my windows with a product far superior to what was installed by General Bronze. I was told I had to use General Bronze for over 40 thousand dollars. I have spoken to my neighbors and some are satisfied with their installation, but I have spoken too many whose windows are leaking, cracked and do not operate properly. Just the fact that they used aluminum capping, {which will pit in a matter of a few years} on oceanfront property speaks volumes.
    As far as increasing your investment in Ocean Manor it may be prudent to hold off until we actually know what is going on with the books.
    I also want to be a part of a building which is successful. But I do not want to finance the success of the commercial end of the building, with homeowner’s dues.
    As far as recognition on a national scale, we have it. Read any trip advisor websites. We have bugs, unruly spring breakers, black mold ect… If the little things could get fixed the big things would fall into place.
    On the notion of a positive course of action I believe that proper accounting, adherence to bylaws, and protection of homeowners rights would be the place to start.

    I hope all will turn out for the yearly meeting and elections. If I am unable to be there I will be represented by my attorneys.

    Donald J McLoughlin
    apt 900, cabana 14

  4. Hey Jerry,
    Dont worry about keeping the new unit # that you are buying a top seret.I do not think you have to worry about someone else buying the unit.

  5. Jerry,
    Kiddos for the very positive attitude. However, you will find out shortly that it is very unrealistic. The rules around this place change more often that one's underwear. Good luck with your purchase.

  6. Jerry wake up and look what is go!!!!!
    You can not vote in new managment.Frank gets about 6o votes,and he votes for himself
    .Than as the developer he is able to appoint another member to the board(like he appointed his sister)
