Friday, October 3, 2008

The board will not follow the condo law??

Frank is the president of our condo association.Our condo docs clearly states that only OWNERS may a small pet under 20 pounds(NOT RENTERS)Frank was asked at the meeting why his hotel accepted pet, and advertises a pet friendly hotel.Fank(the president of the condo assoc) said that he did not know what the condo docs rules were on pets.He said he would check into it.On 10-01-08 I seen a renter in the lobby with their dog sitting in the lobby!! This is a perfect example of how Frank and the board abuse their power!!! I am sick and tired of this, and I am joining the lawsuit!!! If they are not defeated in the lawsuit you will see much more abuse and a lot more double assessments!!!! By the way when will we have the certified audited condo reports!!!!! IT IS 4 YEARES LATE (and I wonder why?)

Posted by Anonymous


  1. Just think about it, they have a major lawsuit againt them.They know that anthing they do wrong will be brought up in the lawsuit.
    Either Frank is real stupid,or has a brass pair.Or maybe both?
    I though that there was no way anyone cold have a brass pair,or be that stupid to use our condo money to build private phenthouse balconies.It appears that is what they have done,because they have not answered who paid for the private phethouse balconies!!
    I could only imagen how bad things would be if there was no lawsuit to keep them in check!!


  3. You should have confronted the renter and told them that pets were not allowed and that this building is a condo that allows the hotel to run under the condo rules. It is time that we start making the low class hotel guests feel uncomfortable instead of us.

  4. Its all about EXTRA income, PEOPLE like this need to be reported to the IRS. Where there is smoke there is fire!
