Wednesday, October 22, 2008


If you are one of the owners who thinks why should I join the lawsuit?And let a few owners pay the cost, and fight for what is right.

Well let me tell you how I feel about that .There is a strong possibility that Frank can make a settlement with the people in the lawsuit.We will get cash to drop the lawsuit .Frank will not go to jail.The people who chose to do nothing will get nothing. IT IS YOUR CHOICE.

Posted by Anonymous


  1. Dear?,

    So basically, your just as corrupt as The Board?


    Perhaps that is why others don't want to band forces with YOU.

    Thank You,
    The Honest and Ethical Ones

  2. Your post makes no sense. Your fighting people who you claim are doing illegal things, yet your willing to take money to turn your eyes from that.
    I wouldn't want to be involved with someone like you.
    Did Frank tell you he'll give you cash? Or maybe you think, I'm so smart and I'll goad others into joining the lawsuit with my brain storm or maybe Frank will get scared and give me cash. Pathetic and scary is what you are.

  3. I do not know of anyone involved with the law suit, who is looking for anything more than justice, and a decent place to live.The necesary authorities will decide what is just and fair.

  4. I got news for you it is not corrupt to settle out of court!
    I think you are a bunch of FREELOADERS.if you want to the rigtht thing join the lawsuit.I paid all of my assessements,and I paid for my windows,and I paid my $2500 to join the lawsuit.I can speak for myself,if more owners do not join the lawsuit,and Frank makes a offer I will accept it.THAT IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW!!!!

  5. I think the first two comments are from two people looking to get a free ride.WHY DONT THEY DO THE RIGHT THING, AND JOIN THE LAWSUIT.
    It is not against the law for two parties to settle out of court.
    Than all of the people who did nothing can get a new lawsuit on their own, and sue the board.
    The truth is you do not want to join because you are too cheep!!

  6. I do not think it is honest and ethical to let a few owners fight for everyone!!!!!
    I paid every single assessement ,and paid for my windows!!and I PAID TO JOIN THE LAWSUIT.IT LOOKS LIKE I AM THE HONEST AND ETHICAL ONE,NOT YOU.

  7. It is none of your business if Frank offer,or is going to offer a cash settlement!!!!

  8. I am not pathetic and scary.I do know that you are a cheepskate!

  9. I'm one of the people who wrote one of the first 2 comments.

    The point that is being made is that what is happening at The OM is grossly unfair and unethical.

    The "original" individuals who begin the lawsuit are fighting to correct that.

    They were NEVER looking for a payoff as that isn't what there fight is about.

    You on the hand, who joined the lawsuit after the fact are looking for "the payoff" and then what?

    The Board continues to conduct itself in the manner it has and your sated because you recieved your "cookie."?

    How does that make sense?

    Don't you want the building to be run in a truthful and ethical manner and for the dishonesty to stop?

    Wouldn't that be better in the long run then for payoffs to be given to keep people quiet?

    Please think about that as that is moral and ethical.

    Thank You.

  10. Frank may settle with the owners in the lawsuit.Put yourself in his shoes go to jail or settle the suit.I will quote him(we will hold a olive branch out to the people in the lawsuit)What do you thinks that means??

  11. As I understand it,we are talking about comitted felonies.At this point in time I don't think a settlement will keep anyone from doing time.Our lawyers are working on the premise that they will get to keep a percentage of what they recover for the asociation. They would not commit their time and effort if they did not see a payday at the end.

  12. If you are reading the blog you know how bad the board is.You are very concerned(you should be!)
    I do not know how the person making the second comment can call the person who made the thread pathetic.
    I would say that you are a coward. To know what is going on,and not join the lawsuit. I would say the person who made the second comment is pathetic !!!!

  13. Geez, hope you all yet your oars in the water before you attend any meeting laywers or not.

    Justice is much needed against this board.

  14. I would like to know the reason why the person who made the first two comments will not join the lawsuit?You sound very informed and intelligent.We could use someone like you on our side,to help us do the ethical and right thing ???? I hope you will go to the meeting Thur night,and do the right thing.Than maybe you will understand that the more people who join the better our chance will be to win the case.That is why I joined.
