Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yes I do smell the stink..

Through this blog I have learned quite a bit. Monday morning I intend tocall the lawyer, Joe Garrity and join the fight. There are to many darkshadows, to many unanswered questions about money with no explanation of theaccounting of where it was spent or how much was spent. What about thepeople like myself that paid for the windows in full and what about thepeople who pay monthly assessments. What about the people who never signedup for loans, what about the people who were suppose to get their owncontractors? ??? Thanks to Norman Roberts and his best friend Rick Georgeand his buddy who he loaned money to, Frank Talerico (what a team). Theybetter be careful they might wind up like O.J., looking out from the insidefor a few years. I am not real happy with the law suit, but these peoplewere the only ones that had enough nerve to speak up for what they felt wasright and now I am beginning to think that they were. There is way too manyunanswered questions. Why did Shelley Toselli a board member, appointed byFrank and Charlie who replaced Alex asked to see our financial books, checkbooks and a list of people who were behind in maintenance. Shelly wasrefused that request by Rick, Frank and Charlie. What do you think they arehiding, why was she the only board member at the last meeting to vote no forthe big assessment? She stated she voted no because they had no accountingof records and where the money went and most of all where the money is goingin order to make an assessment on the condo, it must be to a dedicated itemhow much and where the money is to be spent. Rick is forgetting he is aclerk, works for the board and condo. Now Frank, Charlie, Carolyn and RitaTalerico they allowed Rick to stop Shelly from looking at books and itappears we are definitely being taken to the cleaners lets call a spade aspade. Now I see what the lawsuit is all about, if you snooze you loose,lets wake up and not smell the stink. The new windows they put in myapartment are terrible. The finished job is terrible and P.S. they leak. Ihave spoken to other owners and some of them already have cracks in theirwindows, yes we must be stupid, time to stand up and be counted. I think weshould join the blog and voice our opinions and maybe when we get enoughpeople call a meeting of our own, regarding the blog and what is going onaround us. Charlie and Frank are holding over a hundred pieces of property,where did the money come from??

It makes me wonder if Norman and Rick are involved with them. Somewhere,sometime and somehow the truth and justice will prevail! I strongly suggestall of us join in the suit for the right for justice and call Joe Garrity.

Posted by Anonymous

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