Sunday, December 28, 2008

Board Members?

Recently returned froma trip to see what The Board has done to my investment and well it is a joke.

Shelly Toasterelli is one strange Board Member, she claims to be against The Board and tells owners not to pay the assessments or increases as Frank doesn't, and she also claims to only be on The Board, so she can spy against the others, yet she is right by their side laughing and joking with them.

I was told it depends how much "candy" they give her, as she decides to vote with or against them, and really not to pay any attention to her as she is a heavy Marijuana user and lives in her own mind.

Carolyn Chin, shows up just to keep her name from being sullied, but she has already done that to herself in fratanizing with Frank and Jesse James aka as Frank and Charlie.

Charlie Caico, does whatever the wife(SaMANtha) tells him as he's afraid of her (I want the valet concession, I want the laundry room, I want it all!!!)

And then we have Frank Tiki, who is stealing left and right, can't give you an honest answer and who is too busy fooling around at the Tiki Bar.

He introduces himself of the owner of the 5 star resort.

Only stars he see's are from all the Coke, Marijuana, and Booze he inhales an ingests.
Yes, welcome to the Brady Bunch!

Liars, and more liars.
Sorry I bought here, as these are just terrible people with no concern for others.

Posted by Anonymous


  1. I would like to keep the blog a place for fact, not rumors and inuendo. I feel comfortable commenting on checks too, and from Board members, other things that can be printed/proven. If someone has seen other nefarious things going on, please share. Otherwise to make accusations only cheapen the conduit the Blogmasters have granted us. I have seen our reserve account swindled! I have seen my parking space stolen! I have seen electronic bank transfers made out to individual board members for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. I have only seen Shelley act as a gentlewomen, and in speaking to her, I believe she has the homeowner's at heart.And I have never seen any payment made out to her in the ledgers.I have seen entries made out to Mrs. Chin, and Frank, and I would like to give them the opportunity to explain the same.Nobody appreciates the homeowners frustration better than a guy who lives in NY and doesn't get to enjoy his investment more than a couple of times a year.
    Lets try to keep this on a level that we can defend.

  2. Mr McLoughlin is right on the mark. We join him in his appeal to the membership that they stick to the facts when posting to the Blog. We try to edit most offensive remarks, but occasionally a few get through.
