Sunday, December 28, 2008

Comments on Minutes

"Shelly, Charlie, Frank, and Carolyn were present"

-Four of the unelected"Illegal Board members" were present. They have been spending our money without any disclosure of where it all went, they are common criminals.

"This meeting is to discuss the budget and the short fall at the end of the year. To avoid the short fall, Frank tried giving 2-3 assessments per year. Problem is 80% of people not paying."

-I am surprise there are 20 % of people paying any illegal assessments' at all.

"Average assessments on the Galt have been between $30K-60K per unit."

-.... STOP.. if that were the case there would be many more units for sale on the Galt, someone is pulling numbers out of their Derriere!

"Our water, electric, and insurance has all went up 15-20%."

- Insurance is bound to go up when you have as many incidents, as arise from Frank's bar crowd. AS far as water and electric go, how are the commercial units separated from out homeowners units?

"They are only raising our maintenance 15%, but we will still need 2 assessments a year to cover the short falls."

- I would conjecture that those are the shortfalls of Board members bad real-estate investments, other than Ocean Manor.

1."Valet went from $6k to $2k because Frank charges the people who come, which as he claimed hurts his business but he does it for the benefit of the condo."

-These people flat out stole our parking spaces!!!! And are renting them back to us!!

"Lenny interjected and asked where the certified financials were. Frank said he would give us the same certified financials as he did last year"

-which were nothing more than a manufactured Quicken registry, that no accountant would dare put their name on!

"When asked if Balconies are common area, Frank said yes, but then threw in he paid for the penthouse balconies himself, and he could show the cancelled checks."

- Let's see the vote of three fourths of the owners to change the physical structure of the building! And let's see the cancelled checks from Wilma proceeds, to the board members accounts, so they could write the checks for the terrace for the new party space on "ocean manor 11"

"When asked if all board members are paid up to date, Frank said their maintenance fees were, but not on the special assessment."

- They know they may not be required to pay them as well!! The special assessments were voted on by an illegal board!

The board voted yes on the following three issues:

1. To increase everyone's maintenance fee 15%

- pretty self explanatory

2. Round off the maintenance fee to the nearest dollar

- don't worry about pennies a month when you are being robbed of millions!

3. To waive the buildings reserves

- this would suggest to me that the building's reserves, which were over a million when they took office , are long gone....

We used to have reserves!, owners parking, exterminating,.. Those were the days huh? Florida statutes require them as well as financials. How much money do you want to give them??

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1 comment:

  1. I am one of the 20% who is paying the assessments out of fear of foreclosure by the condo "ASS"ociation (Frank and his bunch). I can't afford to join in the lawsuit because of all the fees I am paying each month. I am sure many others are in the same boat. I feel intiminated and frustrated like everyone else. I keep hearing reference to the lawsuit beginning to wonder what is the point if we all don't stand up as owners and get rid of this Board. My suggestion would be that someone do a mass mailing to all owners and force an election. I am sure people would be willing to chip in a couple of bucks to pay for the postage, etc. I know I would be.
