Wednesday, December 17, 2008

As I understand the events of OUR ASSOCIATON meeting.

Well the entire cast of characters was there excluding Rita, Frank’s sister.

Frank and Ms. Chin were served with subpoenas.

All of the Board of Directors are paid up to date for Maintenance, but not special assessments, this was verified by Rick our manager.

Frank does not know who owns the parking franchise.

Frank does not know who owns the Laundromat franchise.

The Board voted on another 15% maintenance increase. {Although the board was not voted on legally and their vote may be determined illegal or not valid}

The Board also decided to vote on waving the condominium reserves. {Although Florida statutes declare that a ¾ of the members of the associations vote on that, and is in direct violation of our by laws}

I was not able to attend and I admit this is hearsay. I invite any Board member or concerned member other association, to correct me or set me straight. The person whom explained the evening events was a little distraught, and I would like to know what else I missed. I invite all responses.

Posted by
Donald McLoughlin


  1. **Very Important **. Regarding the building's Insurance Policy, we would need to make sure that it itemizes all the commercial facilities from the rest of the building. We need to find out if we are paying for Frank's Tiky bar and all his other commercial units he rents. This is one the highest expense we have in the budget and let's keep our eyes open.

  2. Dear Donald,
    Your updates always are so helpful. Thank you. I have one question that keeps haunting me....what do we need to do to force an election? That is what our association really needs. Is there anyway this can be done? Mailing letters to each and every owner if need be?

  3. The proposed budget is a joke.They need to post 2008 to compare the 2009 to it.
    I own another unit in another building located in Ft.Lauderdale beach.and I went to the meeting last night.WHAT A DIFFERANCE.
    They posted the 2008 budget and the 2009 proposed budget.They have accountant check the books once a month to make sure everything is posted correctly.AND ONCE A YEAR THEY GET A AUDITED STATEMENT.
