Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where are the audited financial's for the past 4 years,that are required by law ?

How can the board ask for another 15% increase in the maintenance,without proving the audited financials. We just had a increase this year.

Where are the audited Financial's that are required by law??? WHEN WILL WE GET THEM?

Posted by Anonymous


  1. Well Board of Directors, what's your answer??

    Why yes, you don't have an answer do you, as you can't make heads or tails of all the stealing you've done!

    Shame, shame, shame,your day will come!

  2. After hurricane Wilma the association received insurance proceeds in excess of $3,000,000. The money was taken into the association an placed into numerous accounts. To date we have identified 9 different bank accounts but it is impossible to reconcile these bank accounts. In addition to the $3,000,000 the association took out a loan of an additional $3,000,000. Again that money was placed in different accounts including a new account at IDB which we have never seen records for. In addition, there have been several special assessments and regular monthly maintenance collected during this period. Since the end of 2006 to present the association has taken in approximately $10,000,000 which cannot be accounted for and has not been audited.
    Thats on top of the Laundry Money !

  3. Donnie, Thanks for the info. It really sickens one to know these people are still running our association. Were you given any idea when the state investigation would be concluded?

  4. I don't know. I am appreciative for the States' keen interest, our attorneys have been forwarding documents,{ the little we have been given acsess too..}And it really is quite an eye opener! I imagine it will take a while to get into the full investigation. I will keep the blog informed as long as it does not interfere with our attorneys' strategies.

  5. I hope they will provide the auidet financials
    at the meeting on 12-16-08.They are almost one year late!!!

  6. Thanks to Donnie for keeping us informed. I really appreciate your efforts in keeping us informed.

  7. i was thinking four or five years late ....
