Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strength In Numbers

To anyone who is unhappy about not having certified financials, double assessments, the owner parking spots that we lost, the common condo area we lost to the tiki bar, to find out who paid for the private penthouse balconies, to find out who paid for the marble in the penthouse:

Please file a report with the Florida DBPR. Don said he filled his out, and would be happy to help.

You can contact Don @

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  1. Also what happened to the 1.5 million dollar loan, and all the insurance money?

  2. Call the company/bank who provided the loan and suggest they begin a fraud investigation. They can use their resources to serve both our interests.

  3. This is Frank's wife's cousin, Jennifer, again forgot my password for the blogspot. This is for the record. I am not scard of Rick or Frank for the matter. Rick told my tenant that I was scared. The court told us (the people in the lawsuit)to pay our attorney instead of Frank and Rick until a receiver was appointed to handle the money of the association. Frank and Rick have been blocking the court and us from appointing a receiver to handle the money. Frank and Rick must really be desperate. They took it upon themselves to go to my unit and change the locks to my door while my tenants son was in the unit. The son came out wondering what the noise was and Rick demanded that they pay him the rent and that they didn't need to pay me rent for the next several months and there was nothing I could do about it. I got the phone call from Keith, my tenant, while at work dealing with a patient who was bleeding internally from a clip that popped in his esophagous. I had to call the cops and the cops told Frank and the board that it was illegal what they did. Well why does this illegal activity shock anyone its just normal fare at the Ocean manor. They towed his car and Samantha the BITCH that she is threatened to tow the son's car. In the by laws it states that long term tenants have rights to one parking spot. Now with an affidavit from my tenant and the police report it should make for a nice harrassment suite. Since then my tenant was harrassed and stared at on a daily bases. Now he is moving out. Now I have to stress out about finding a new tenant b/c I will never be able to afford to pay my mortgage on the condo. He knows that and this is why he is doing this. He wants me to go into forclosure so that he can snatch it right up and put it in the hotel program to collect the income. Did anyone hear about Franks' Lauderdale tower units. Someone said that they were in foreclosure. Is this true? Must not be using the condo money Kitty for his bills b/c he is being watched now. I am pregnant now about 19 weeks and to deal with this stress is tremendous. I text Ann that I was pregnant and she never responded. While Ann was pregnant, I was very attentive and supportive and helped her with whatever she needed and answered any questions. After Francesca was born I help her. Isn't it horrible that I have to deal with this shit at one of the most happiest times of my life. Ironic huh! It just shows what a monster Frank is.

  4. I filled out my complaint with DBPR & received a letter that they are investigating. I hope everyone does the same as there is strength in numbers.

  5. To Frank,and the board.
    You can fool some of the people some of the time.But you can not fool all of the people all of the time!Justice is on the way!

  6. I wonder who is paying for all the dumpsters that frank used to renovare his new restauant?
    Better yet,I wonder who is paying for the labor, and the materials to renovate his new restauant?Do you see why we need certified audited financials!

  7. Where is the revnue from the washers and dryers?That is our money.We pay for the water,the electric,and the machines.

  8. Wow !!!

    I can not belive what is happening here at the ocean manor.

    My conclusion is that there is some advantage to the hotel for bankrupt the entire building.

    Everyone needs to open there eyes and see what is happening.

    What a shame!

  9. Does Frank know that is a felony to lie under oath.

  10. Is anyone going to oppose Frank when election time comes up? I sure hope there is a brave soul out there ready to tackle the corruption.
