Sunday, September 14, 2008

As I understand the events of the meeting 9/11

Charlie Caico did not show but appeared by phone, sighting health reasons.

Carolyn Chin was 45 minutes late.

Franks sister Rita Talerico was also a no show.

When people asked questions, Frank never gave a relevant answer , or replied “I don’t Know”

Frank and Carolyn’s response contradicted their sworn testimony in Broward Court

When inquired about parking, why do we have to pay and you don’t? Franks response was I pay enough already.

When inquired about why the Ocean Manor is being billed as a pet friendly hotel,? When our bylaws clearly state that only an owner may keep a small animal under twenty pounds?? Frank did not give an answer.

When inquired about the accounting, Frank said it would be ready for members to view in three weeks and he would only offer Rick’s ledger.

When asked about our accountant, Frank did not know the name. Frank said the year end accounting would cost eight thousand dollars and that is why it was not done.

I am getting all this information second hand and I would like people to corroborate it, or set me straight! I would also like people who were there to add what I am missing so all other unit owners whom could not attend will get the true flavor of our meeting

Thank you Blog Team, and concerned owners for taking the time to read, and hopefully reply my post!

Posted by DJM.GFG


  1. This is the version I was given.

    Caico wasn't sick, as he was downstairs the next morning. He just can't face the music as he knows what they've done is wrong.

    Carolyn is very disrespectful and decides when she want's to show up.

    Rita, on the other hand never shows up.

    How is that The Board calls for a meeting, half don't show and then Frank isn't prepared to answer questions?

    Also why was he shaking his body during the meeting. I was told he was bouncing his legs up and down constantly like he was "On the hot seat." Is it guilt?

    The parking situation will never be resolved as it's now a private enterprise owned by Samantha Caico.
    Charlie has told valet there is no owner spots and just to park cars any where as the wife needs the revenue.

    Also when Frank was asked about the parking, I was told he replied that the condo was saving $4,000.00a month now, as we were paying $6,000.00 a month.

    Where is that "saving's" going along with saving's of the rent of the condo office since it has now been moved to the massage room cubbyhole?

    Frank claims to pay, but do we know, if in fact he pay's his maintenance? From what I'm told he is NOT paying and who is going to check that as the crooks are minding the candy store.

    Yes, when I've been to the building, I've seen pets. When I asked about this, I was told it is what Frank want's. I must say, I was told, he did answer and reluctantly agreed that renting to guest's with pet's is wrong, yet he keep's doing it.

    I've tried to see the books, and one always get's a reply that there too busy for that, or can't do it now, etc.


    I was told he did stumble regarding the name of the accountant.

    If, in fact he is a leader, which is obvious he is not, why doesn't he properly answer question's and have factual information at hand.

    Maybe "ALL" the money that's being saved with valet service can now pay for the accounting??

    Frank, is interested in one thing, and that's Frank.

    I was told he made a statement that you can either have a 55 or older builing and not make money or do it his way and make money.

    For all of you that believe in Frank, can you please just pay all the assessment's for all of us,as he is your leader, who is doing the right thing.

    Don't you find it troublesome that he is the Hotel owner and Board President?

    Is that not a conflict of interest?

    Come on people SPEAK UP and air your thought's.

  2. Thanks for the input about the meeting. I am getting the impression that nothing was resolved - just lip service from Frank. So where do we go from here? What do we have to do to make the hotel abide by our condo docs? A separate lawsuit? Input appreciated.

  3. As long as Frank Talerico is President don't except anything to be done the right way. ALL OF US OWNERS will continue to foot his bill as he's IN CHARGE. Time for a new Board with ethics. He doesn't have to abide to the condo docs as he's in charge.

  4. When is the next election of officers?
