Sunday, September 7, 2008

I Would Like to Know Why...

Hi. My name is Michael Bencivenga. I own 3 units at the ocean Manor. I have put my money, blood and sweat into my units . I have been an owner for approximately 3 years . I am not part of the lawsuit, and I am paid up to date on my maintenance and window assessments.

I would like to know why the board had to hire a new lawyer, and why the legal fees are so high?

It makes me think that if everything was fair and honest, all the board should have to do is open their books.

Posted by Michael Bencivenga


  1. You're probably right. I AM PART OF THE SUIT and wonder the same thing. Your doubts would be even bigger if you saw where many checks had been written over the last few years. Hopefully we'll all see that info soon.

  2. I am Franks wife's cousin Jennifer Ledford. I went into the condo office when Norman was working there along with Rick Sept 2006 they lost my payment. I had to go to my bank and show them my cleared check. Rick and Norman told me that the records were a mess. THey showed me the records in the computer, there were owners who owed so much money like ms Chin owed 25-50,000 in back maintenance dues, Frank albero owed 48,000 at the time and Frank Talerico owed 25,000+ Have they paid this money. I also saw in the records that there was a check for 100,000's of dollars going into various funds ie Ocean manor windows fund, FAMT corporation fund which stands for Frank and Ann Marie Talerico fund, Hurricane fund just to name the few that were found to have wired money to them. I saw the accounting records for myself they came from the condo office and are submitted as evidence against the board for our up coming trial. Frank is profiting off of the weddings that are held on Condo property. That money should be given to the association to pay the bills. Isn't funny how we pay the maintenance for the pool grounds valet and security yet Frank not the owners are profiting off of us. I was trying to park in our now sparse spots and found a valet guy moving one car out and another car in its place. There were no spots available for owners. I told him that was an owner spot and that Valets should not be parking their cars there. They told me that Frank gives him permission to park the cars in the owners spots. I think Frank needs to pay the association 5.00 per car per day to each owner. We should profit from that since he uses our money. Who paid for the parking lot to get repaved. It was just repaved 2 years ago. I had my condo in the rental program. I found out from my contractor that my condo was being rented underneath me. I asked Frank about it and he told me that my place was not rented out. I called the front desk to confirm what I was told asked them to transfer me up to my unit and someone answered the phone I confirmed my unit number and they told me they were staying till Tuesday. I never saw the money from the rental. He denied that it was even rented. Another case in 2005 my window blew out from the hurricanes my room was boarded up. I found Keith the old mananager having an orgi in my unit. He got a key from the front desk and decided to help himself. I found out from rumors that he was in there had the front desk transfer me to my room and once again found someone staying in there free. What about the Tiki bar. Part of that is common condo property shouldn't we get some of the profits from the Tiki.I was at the tiki bar when Bill Plotkins Sister fell off of the ledge at the Tiki bar after consuming too much alcohol. She had to go to the hospital and had a 3,000 bill. Bill threatened Frank with a lawsuit Frank cut him a check from the condo association money. I know this b/c Bill showed me the check that Frank wrote out to him. If we are going to be responsible for the drunks at the tiki then we need to take some of the profits as well. The trial is getting ready to begin so we need more people on board. I am a cousin and I am part of the lawsuit. I have known frank a long time and know how his mind works.




  6. I would like to know why the condo owners have to pay for the bugman for the hotel rooms. Since when did the hotel become "pets welcome" this has caused nothing but fleas and bed bugs which leads us to the bugman and the condo people are paying for it. Frank you are a hell of a guy! My 8 year old grandchild could be a better board member than you!

  7. The OM is collecting approximately $126,000.00 per month for maintenance fees, etc., which adds up to one and a half million a year, where is the money? We can't even afford to pay for a $8,000.00 audit for the place, come on people don't you want to know where your money is going? Get on board so we can get rid of this board and get a new board it would be nice.

  8. Let me tell you about the bed bugs. I rented my condo out through the hotel program for about a year while I lived up in Tennessee. I had things missing etc. Well when I stayed in there before the hotel program I didn't have bed bugs. I stayed in my condo while my townhouse was being built. The first couple of days staying in my unit I felt bugs crawl all over me. I got out of be and found these round bugs crawling on my mattress. I asked my contractor what they were and they told me they were bed bugs. HMMmm I didn't have them the year I bought and after a year of being in the hotel program I have bed bugs. Frank told me that the condo assoc. was not responsible for the extermination eventhough he takes 45% of my rental income while in the hotel program. The hotel program is suppose to be a 60/40 split with me getting 60. He told me that because he rents my unit out more than everyone elses he is taking a bigger cut. The condo association refused to pay the bill. Debbie a seasonal renter who stays in on the 3rd floor cant remember the unit number was bit by a bed bug while staying there and got MRSA a resistant infection in her wound. Another guy from the Tiki Bar Ken was bit all over the place from the bed bugs while renting a unit there. He told me that he sees the bugs crawl outof the vent. Now onto the windows. When my windows were blown out in 2005 the glass was replaced by the condo association. Momma Talerico windows were also blown out as well as her airconditioner. She told me that the brand spanking new windows were going to be 16,600. You know the hurricane stainless steal First class A model. I asked her if she had to pay for them and she told me that no that the condo association was going to pay for the new windows. I don't know if we paid for the airconditioning. That came from her mouth. When I asked why his mother rec'd new hurricane windows from the condo association and I just had the glass replaced he told me that the condo association was not paying for her window she was. Well that is not what she told me I confirmed with her as she told me.

  9. Oh another thing. I gave Nino and Christopher(Franks counsins) 5000.00 to paint, put in some 2 cabinets and lay down tile in my 300 sq foot efficiency. They were suppose to have this done when I returned from Thanksgiving holidays to my family. I returned they excluded the bathroom. I showed them our agreement as they denied that the bathroom was a part of the deal. In the contract it states "Tile throughout and paint throughout!" Well, for 5000.00 I would think that it would be included espec in 300 sq feet. They told me they would get around to it but never did. Roberto offered to do it for me so while I was gone to New York from December 28th 2006 to Jan 2nd 2007. I came back to a bathroom all torn up not painted nor plumbing completed. I found 3 of his shirts deoderant toothbrush and cologne. I think someone has been sleeping in my bed. Frank hands me a bill of 350.00 for the plumbing I told him that Roberto owed me 200.00 a night for season rates and I found 3 shirts so that is 3 nights so he owed me actually 250.00. Frank try to tell me that his employee did not stay in my place. I gave Rita the three shirts while she was working the cafe one morning I should have kept them as evidence. I am not on a vindeta against the family I like Rita the mom and dad and the rest of the family but Frank has always been about money and about getting money no matter how he had to do it. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. I miss my cousin Ann very much she and I were very close. This has destroyed our relationship. I know she is struggling with cancer but I cannot let myself or others be taken by a crook.

  10. Any comments about what happened at the meeting last night?

  11. Why are there so many of you scared of Frank and Charlie. What can they do to you. Why do you feel threatened. Thats how crooks get away with what they do bc they put fear into people. You need to join the fight for a moral and ethical board

  12. I agree with JLO. As they say "put your money where your mouth is". Let us unite and go through the proper channels to regain control of our building and association. Question for the lawsuit people - when is this going to court? What can the other residential unit owners do to help the cause? Forget the petty issues and let's concentrate on what it will take to gain control of what is rightfully ours. United we stand, divided we fall people!

  13. In regards to Norman getting a bonus by the condo association, well aren't we suppose to vote on that. You know that ugly carpet that is in the hallways well I was told Frank got that from Marriot for a bargain basement price and got a recpt and made up a price on their to justify the current funds in the condo kitty. Also do you remember that the hallways were painted twice in a matter of a couple of years where was the board vote on that that is also another coverup. That was to show an unneeded improvement. IF you want to call it that. Maintenance men were supposedly on the condo clock preparing for Samantha's dtrs bday party about a year ago, blowing up baloons placing tables and such. The maintenance men have also been renovating and fixing frank and family condos while on condo time.

  14. oh yeah lets talk about the penthouses when they were deciding on the balconies around the penthouses the estimate from JP a very good friend of Frank's. I was also there with Frank JP to discuss the balconies. If I remember right they were going to cost the owners Frank, Ms Chin et al 170,000+ each unit owner I wonder if they got a loan for those balconies. The marble was placed around the elevators and in the elevators but hotel guests have destroyed and cracked the marble b/c they don't use the service elevators when wheeling the heavy suitcases. Was this approved by the association? Maybe I should get the condo checkbook into my hands and start writing out some checks for my bills since it is that easy to distribute checks without condo assoc approval. Then I will make up some phony recpts and have my bills paid.

  15. Hey everyone happy New Year. Well Rick approached and threatened my tenant today to change the locks tomorrow to lock him out. For one it is not their property to lock him out. IF he does change the locks that is destruction of private property and I can sue frank and rick for destruction of private property forceful entry and breaking and entering. Do they know the proper procedure for eviction. This is not their tenant to evict. Another illegal action on Ricks and Franks part. Oh I called Jo our attorney this was verified as another attempt to threaten and bully the condo. So my tenant is now going to write up and avidavit as to the events that took place. Oh did everyone hear the good news the errors and omissions insurance found the asssociation neglectful on keeping accurate records due to all the descrepancies in the accounting...missing money that is...

  16. I had a tenant for my unit. Frank and Rick and Frank harassed him so much like having his car towed out of unit owner spot which long term tenants are entitled to park in owner spots. While tenants son was in the unit the proceeded to change the lock on the door and when the son went to the door they told him that he has to pay them rent or get out. I had to call the cops, which they told Frank and Rick they had no legal right to do that. Now they are looking at harrassment charges.I know times are tough for Frank because he doesn't have the condo kitty to use at his leisure. It has been mentioned that Frank is in foreclosure on 3 of his properties at Lauderdale Towers.....AWWWWWW poor baby! What comes around goes around!

  17. I would like to know if the people who are on this blog and bitching about everything are in the lawsuit with us. I do have to say this if you are bitching about everything and not in the lawsuit with us they you need to either join or shutup. It does no good to bitch about everything that is going on if you are not goint to join us to do something about it. We put our money and mouths on the line it is about time you did the same.

  18. Believe me if the accounting records weren't altered they would have seen that Charlie ms chin and Frank were all behind on their maintenance dues. Do you really think that he would allow himself to go into forclosure vs paying his maintenance dues.

  19. did everyone hear that the chief building inspector of Ft Lauderdale came to ocean manor to investigate complaints that there were construction projects going on around the building without permits? I heard that Frank got sited 7 violations. I also heard that the cigarette machine is also illegal(one of the violations)

  20. Is anyone concerned about the stop work order that was placed on the addition to the restaurant. Has everyone noticed the stop work order from the city of Ft lauderdale Cheif building inspector? Frank is still working despite this. People can call the Chief inspector of Ft lauderdale at 9548285255. Frank never rec'd cleared permit for the windows by the way.
