Thursday, December 10, 2009

Until the majority of us unite...

the sleaze bags that are running our building are going to continue to push us. We cannot ever expect them to do what is right. They are dishonest and immoral people that are only concerned about their own pockets. It is like we are all waiting for them to be honest and do what is right, and in the mean time they are looking for other ways to milk us dry. I only see one way of stopping them and that is for the majority of us to put our money where our mouth is. If we sit back and let all the others complain, things will only get worse. If the majority of us would hire a lawyer, the cost would be minimal compared to all the monies they have added on over the years to our bills. Even if we just tackled one item at a time, like the parking, I think we would all feel better about our investment. As owners we are entitled to one parking space per unit, we should not have to pay anyone for that use. That place is ours 365 days a year. If we got 30 or 40 owners to commit to a law suit, we would probably win and make them pay for our attorneys. NO ONE else is going to do this for us. I am willing to coordinate this from Kansas, but only if I get some response from the majority.

Posted by
Steve Hodes

Monday, December 7, 2009

if anyone would like to register a complaint with the state....

here is the IP Address

The state handles complaints concerning condominium regulation(i.e. elections, homeowners rights, improper or crooked accounting of homeowner associations, encroachment of common area, serving on the Board of Directors for self gain, ect..)
print it up, fax it in, I don't see much of a future in this building if people don't start looking out for their rights...

Posted by Anonymous

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Increased Parking Fees

I had people renting my unit Saturday they were told that parking went up from $7.00 to $19.00.They told me that Ocean Manor had a vote and that is the policy (no exceptions).I went to Ocean Manor to reimburse my clients $12.00.I asked the parking attendant the new policy.The policy for guest is $7.00 for 4 days, and than it is a additional $2.00 per day for any additional days.if you have a person staying 30 days it will be $59.00.

I have rented my units to the end of Feb, and I told the people that the valet parking is free with a one time $7.00 registration fee.Now I and going to have to reimburse my clients the parking,this will cost me hundreds of dollars.

If you go to Frank posted all the commercial events he has held in his residential penthouse unit.

They have built a 12 foot by 12 foot permanent commercial BAR-B-Q in our common area,to sell hamburgers and hotdog's.

Posted by Michael Bencivenga

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Most presidents of condo associations are rule enforcers. If you park your car crooked in your parking spot you will get a notice.

Frank, our president of Ocean Manor, advertises on a web site, Swinger parties. He hosts meet and greet at the bar, after hours parties in his residential penthouse unit with a D.J. and advertises as special love swing. He also advertises a special room rate of $70 per night for swingers. In the middle of the night you have swingers switching rooms.

I remember in the last meeting he said do not blame him for all the wildness at spring break. He said that it is not him, it is other unit owners. Frank went so far as to say he even hired another security guard (he was the good guy do not blame him).

By the way, when is the next meeting? I cannot wait. When are we going to get the certified financial for 2008? They are only 8 months late.

Posted by Anonymous

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Open Letter to CAM

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

a little research.....

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Parking @ the Ocean Manor

Am I being singled out as a malcontent? I had just received word that my van parked @ Ocean Manor, was left with the passenger side window down, and a left rear tire flat. I haven't been there in months.

Last Wednesday my brother who lives in Jupiter came by to start it up, check the tires , and all was fine. As I have previously stated, anyone who leaves a car in our lot should leave the keys. It was my thought that the Valets would look after the vehicles entrusted in their care. I would hate to think I was wrong.

This is a call to have the owner's parking spots, which we are entitled to in our By Laws, once again to be fought for. I have looked upon the City of Fort Lauderdale for the Special Permits Section, and I have not been able to pin it down. Any help on that front would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Donald J McLoughlin

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bike BBQ Beer Beach Bash

As a guy in New York who is in contact with some of the older residents, I received some distressing correspondence from some of my friends @ the Ocean Manor

The Bike BBQ Beer Beach Bash was posted by it's reps on August 24th, yet Ocean Manor owners and residents were RUDELY informed (By a notice posted in the elevators hand written by Frank!) on Saturday October 17th, that keys to their vehicles needed to be handed in to Samantha's Parking Lot Concession, as OUR cars needed to be moved someplace else as the parking lot was RENTED to this association. As a guy who leaves his car down there, I always leave a set of keys, and I would recommend all do so. I must also comment that the last time I was down; someone moved my car across the street, and left something on and killed the battery.

If one did not move their car and / or hand in their keys, their car will be towed.

Would the Board or Rick please be kind enough to respond to these allegations?

Posted by Donald J. McLoughlin

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Emergency Meeting?

I have heard that there is an emergency meeting tomorrow (October 10), pertaining to a settlement with General Bronze. can anyone enlighten me?

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The state ruling regarding the Board's failure to supply OM unit owners with copies of the audited, 2006-2008 year end financial reports:

On August 13, 2009, the Florida Dept. of Business & Professional Regulations completed its investigation of the complaints filed against OM Condo Association for failure to provide unit owners with audited copies of the 2006-2008 year end financial reports in a timely manner. Simply stated, OM was found to be in violation of section 718.111(130) and was issued a warning letter pursuant to rule 61B-21.002 FL Adm. Code.

Several months ago on this blog, Donald McLoughlin (whom I do not know personally) urged unit owners to unite and contact the FL Dept. of Business & Professional Regulations regarding the above matter. There certainly were several owners who voiced their continual outrage about not receiving the financials, yet it appears that only two people (according to the state's letter) followed through with a formal complaint. I am one of them, and I assume the other was Mr. McLoughlin.

Before I contacted the state, I gave Don's suggestion a lot of thought . I decided to do what I considered the right thing, even though I realized it might upset some Board members and staff. By law we are entitled to receive yearly financials in a timely manner. I felt that since I abide by the association rules, including paying all maintenance and special assessments on time, that as a unit owner I was (and am) entitled to accountability of where our money is being spent. This is not to imply that there has been any wrong doing on the Board's part pertaining to where the money is being allocated. It is simply the law that unit owners are entitled to receive yearly financials in a timely manner. End of story.

I do, however, feel badly that manager, Rick George is being cited for this violation. He is an employee of the the Board and must act at their pleasure. From my observations I think that Rick is a hard worker and is doing the best job he can with the resources available. It is the responsibility of our elected Board to comply with the state regulations, just as we are expected to follow the association regulations. I urge unit owners to become proactive rather than reactive in solving our differences with the Board and with the commerical owners.

I would think everyone wants to see our investment in OM stay healthy and thrive.

Posted by
Nancy Paton - Unit 302

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

impact window completion, thank you for your bussiness

Hello everyone,

We have finished the installation of everyone who had sent us in their paperwork in Jan. of this year, and we are pleased to see everything went so well. Since there has been no complaints or breakage, we are discarding all left over material at this time!

Thank you for your business and we hope to do any future work you may have.

If for any reason you feel we did not do our job in a timely and professional manor, or if you would like to comment on your experience - please email us back at attn. Nick. your comments will be addressed, and appreciated.

We look forward to serving your impact window and door needs in the future.We also do Florida roomsThank you.

Posted by

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Certified Financials"

This is the sworn affidavit of the CPA whom tried to prepare our “Certified Financials."

De La Torre Affidavit

Posted by
Donald J McLoughlin

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Looking for 1 BR Condo Year Round

This post was deleted at the request of members. We agree that the content is not in keeping with the intent and purpose of the Blog.

The Blog Team

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

When are we going to get the certified financial's for 2008,and 2007?????

The 2008 financial's are do.We still have not received the 2007 certified financials.What we received for 2007 was a opinion by a accountant,based on information provided by the board.What we received was a joke!!!! . 2008 Certified financial's are past due now I will ask Frank,Norman,and Rick when are we going to received 2007,and 2008 Certified financials.

Posted by Anonymous

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Am I being singled out, or are others having problems with parking?

Maybe it’s me, when I got here my windshield was broken. I reported it to Rick.

When it was time to get to Easter Sunday Mass, the valets had a problem and could not find the keys to my brother’s car.

When it was time to leave on Easter Sunday evening, my guest’s car was vandalized. The valet said he saw an owner do it - an old guy from New York who always wears the shell around his neck, and his wife; they were kind enough to leave a note. Whoever it was went through the glove box pulled the registration and had written a note, "Mr.XXXXXX, you left your car with no keys and I had to get to the emergency room." It must not have been such an emergency because they then proceeded to fill the cars cabin with garbage, cardboard, dirt and sand in the seats dashboard and electronics, leaves, palm fronds ect..

I prefer to park myself; I still leave a copy of keys with the valet. My guest had both left keys with the valet.

I would be afraid to leave a nice car down here, am I alone?

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin

Monday, April 6, 2009

My name is Michael Bencivenga

My name is Michael Bencivenga I own 3 units at the ocean Manor. I live 15 miles from the Ocean manor.

Yesterday one of my units was open,and my wife and I decided to go to stay in our unit.When we arrived I told the valet that I was a owner ,and it is free valet parking for the owners.He told me to park by the wall.After looking for a parking spot, I returned and told him there was no spot available.( I looked in the parking lot and there was plenty of valet spots available).He told me to park in a spot that the man was in his car leaving.After waiting he was not leaving but arriving .I was so tired of the hassle I parked in the winn Dixie parking lot.

Once by the pool I noticed that almost all of our common area has turned in to commercial space. The tiki bar had two rows of tables from the bar to 8 feet from the pool.They had a grill and tables set up in our common area cooking food that they were selling.

I told the person in charged of the chairs that I was a owner the chairs are free.He told me that there was a 1 dollar fee for owners.I told him that I was going to bring that up in the next meeting.Than he let me have them for no charge.

When did the registration fee for valet parking go up from $5.00 to $7.00 for people renting units.?

Posted by Michael Bencivenga

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why Not Do Something Positive to Change the Situation?

If everyone is so passionate and correct in everything they are posting, why aren't they publishing it under their names instead of anonymous? Also, why are they pursuing a course of action that not only penalizes themselves but also everyone else in the building, if in fact they are "trying to make things better"? Why not just vote the current management out of their positions instead of just bitching about it?

I am an owner of one unit (and yes, I did pay for my windows instead of costing others money because of my self-centered stupidity) and am looking to buy another. By the way, this purchase is being held up because I have to clear some minor legal hurdles because of these dumb lawsuits. This hurts the current owner, not me because they need to put their money in escrow. And eventually it will hurt these people who are putting up these roadblocks when they attempt to get out of their so called bad investments.

I don't live in the building, I come down occasionally. I see improvements to the building and the grounds every time I come down. I like the activity because it shows growth. I like the fact that a high end restaurant is being built, it shows growth and possible recognition on a national scale. I am excited about the possibilities. That is why I am continuing to invest in this site.

If you nay sayers are not satisfied, why not pursue a positive course of action instead of the negativity being so abundantly applied on this blog. If you are so positive about your supposed convictions, why not do something positive to change the situation. Perhaps it takes too much effort on your part to initiate positive effect. It's alsways easier to be negative and contribute nothing.

I'm sure this will spur a whole lot of comments but rest assured I am not a lacky of Frank, or Charlie or whomever else you would care to associate with me. I am an investor who has seen a lot of positive change and am willing to invest more in this property during these financially troubled times.

I am also not afraid to sign my name.

Yours truly, Jerry Guiro (422 .... soon to be the pround owner of another unit which I will not mention at this present time)

Posted by
Jerry Guiro

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Did Frank pull a building permit for the penthouse balcony?

If Frank is so arrogant not to pull a building permit for the restaurant, it makes one wonder if he got permits for all the penthouse balconies.(He thinks he is above the law).If he thinks he is in trouble for not getting a permit for the new restaurant, not getting permits for the penthouse balcony is much worse!

The balconies are completed, and if he did not get permits that means it was not inspected.Who knows if they are built to code. Did he even use the right steel? Is the bracing they used is to code, or installed properly? Are they safe?

Everyone needs to call the building department and find out if he got a building permit for the balconies.They will have record if there was a permit issued or not.If he did not get a permit everyone needs to file a complaint ,and insist they investigate the matter. This is a major safety issue.

Posted by Anonymous

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bad Rental Experience

I am an outsider, a traveler who, without knowing anything about Ocean Manor resort has leased last December condo Studio No. XXX advertised by its owner on the Internet site. Subsequently I read condo owner Donald McLoughlin's comment: "The [Ocean Manor] hotel has developed a well deserved reputation as an undesirable place to stay” (Ocean Manor Condo Owners Blog, 9/11/2008). I believe that this is true and such recognition can lead to positive changes for owners and customers over time.

My comment here is intended to present only one disappointing experience based on my dealing with the condo owner of Studio No. XXX. My wife and I, both retirees from Forest Hills, N.Y., were planning to spend most of the month of January this year in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our stay there that included my 80th Birthday anniversary has been, from the very beginning, an unsettling and painful experience for us. During December we have leased through the Internet site from Ms. ZZZZZ her condo property #XXX, advertised as a “Cozy Studio”, in the Ocean Manor Hotel; the lease commenced on January 1, 2009. As Ms. ZZZZZ did not accept a credit-card payment for the $975.00 or 50% deposit she requested, we had to pay it by personal check to her. We realized only after the fact that we should not have accepted her refusal of a credit-card payment and assume the extra risk of paying by check.

Obviously, we did trust her Homeaway “Cozy Studio” offer. Only later, through our experience in room No. XXX of the Ocean Manor Hotel we realized that Ms. ZZZZZ’s condo property could only be characterized as an opposite of what one would qualify as “cozy”. The first night of occupancy we were kept awake by constant noise in the studio. On January 2, 2009 we met with Ms. ZZZZZ and during that meeting she advised us that nothing could be done about the noise. Since we were not afforded the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the premises (a law requirement in Florida) we moved out of the studio and asked for a return of our deposit less the prorated rent for their one night stay. Ms. ZZZZZ refused to refund the balance of $825.00. The studio was not habitable due to the noise and we did not receive the benefit of our bargain. Ms. ZZZZZ had an affirmative duty to notify us of the noise exposure before we traveled to Florida to occupy the premises and her failure to do so was a material misrepresentation. She has simply ignored our attorney’s letters of demand of January 12 and January 23, 2009, to return us the $825.00 balance due to us.

The “TripAdvisor” findings in regard to the Ocean Manor Hotel are relevant. A traveler refers to “the constant noise from the hotel construction, the desperate need of updates in the rooms...” saying also: “This place has a lot of potential but they really should shut down and start over”; until then “NEVER AGAIN!!!” to stay at this hotel.

We are and will continue to be defending our legal rights. 1. We believe that we should help other travelers to avoid undergoing such unpleasant and costly experiences in the future: we have an obligation of making public our unacceptable experience. 2. To promote truth in advertising we request that the ad for the studio No.XXX is phased out of the online advertising facility. 3. We demand that Ms. ZZZZZ returns without further delay the entire deposit amount.

We thank you in advance for your help.

Posted by Anonymous


I received the ballot in the mail but no background on any of the people.

Are any of these guys on the owner's side, or are they all in Frank's pocket?

Posted by

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Restaurant Balcony?

What is up with the balcony being added to the back of the restaurant? Does Frank own all of the cabanas that are going to be covered in shade all day and have spilled food and drink dripping in to them?

Also, did Frank get permission to build a balcony that encroaches over the common are or is he just doing as he pleases again?

Where is the construction permit posted?

Posted by

Sunday, February 22, 2009

When is the 15 % increase due?

Is the board going to mail or e-mail a official notice what each unit owner new payment is going to be?Like they did the last time they increased the maintenance.

They said in Feb after the certified financial were done.What they gave us is not certified financial (do they think they are?)

Can Norman please clear up and send some type of notice of the new maintenance is going to be for each unit owner(after the financials are done)

Posted by

Saturday, February 14, 2009


What we were provided is a OPINION on the financial's provided by Galt Ocean Manor Condo Association, by a certified public accountant.

Why couldn't they do the certified audited financials for 2007??This makes the association look real guilty!!! What are they hiding???The whole point of certified financials is to make sure every thing is fair and honest.They need to show proof of the numbers that are written on the report.Their is no difference between Ricks made up finanials, and this repot,because they used the numbers provided by the association.They wasted our money on this worthless report it .The paper it is written on is more valuable than the report!!!! Read the first page,it states that they did not audit the information provided by the association.( It is in black and white).We need to report this to the state,We must fight back,or we will lose our units!


Posted by

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The events leading up to our yearly meeting

Has anyone had a chance to go over the "audited Financials"? I have been on the road and have not had a chance to open them. What are your first impressions?

I am told that registered letters for a new 15 % maintenance increase have gone out. I have yet to receive it. Are there people who really think we should just pay it?

I have also heard of commercial operations in the penthouse. Is this OK with everyone? It goes directly against our bylaws. Should we allow them to be abandoned?

Now is not the time for name calling. We need answers, we should know how everyone feels, and the Board shows no shame in: spending our money, taking our parking spots, and abusing our common area. Do we really want them back?

I encourage insightful thoughts on where we are going to go with this.

Posted by Donald J McLoughlin

Monday, February 9, 2009

Power Washer

The last four days, weather-wise, have been terrible with nobody at the pool. Now that we have our first decent day they fire up that smelly, noisy washer.

Where is management on these poor decisions?

Posted by

Friday, February 6, 2009


I read Franks deposition, and he testified that when he holds a wedding by the pool (in our common area) that he does not close that area off. He said that any one could walk through the wedding.

I suggest the next time he holds a wedding in our common area we should walk through, or maybe play a football game in the middle of the wedding.

Posted by

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strength In Numbers

To anyone who is unhappy about not having certified financials, double assessments, the owner parking spots that we lost, the common condo area we lost to the tiki bar, to find out who paid for the private penthouse balconies, to find out who paid for the marble in the penthouse:

Please file a report with the Florida DBPR. Don said he filled his out, and would be happy to help.

You can contact Don @

Posted by

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jewel of the Mile

The following post is part of a Comment under "Trip Advisor Reviews." Because of its informative content and historical perspective, we have created a new thread.
The Blog Team

I don’t live there (at the OM) fulltime, but I have befriended many who do, and many who have moved because of the issues at hand. I am also a father to a 13 year old girl and a 15 year old boy, who are just beginning to form ideas and values on sexuality, relationships, and how young people are supposed to behave.

I started visiting Ocean Manor when I was courting my wife about 30 years ago. I was awestruck at what a refined, and cool place it was. It was ruled with an iron fist by Darlene. Many thought her to be to unyielding, but no one thought she was unfair. No one went through the lobby in a bathing suit out of respect. No one went down the halls in the middle of the night yelling and screaming. If you left a car there and were not going to be back for a couple of weeks, she would ask that you do not inconvenience other homeowners and place your car with the valet, so as not to occupy the owners parking spots.

There was security, exterminating, and maintenance was available to fix things. If it was your responsibility you paid, and the bill was fair. There was yearly audited accounting, and reserves.

I would like to see things returned to that state. We truly have the “jewel of the mile,”’ but we have to fight for it. There is no reason that we can not live in a successful building with a hotel program in it. It just seems that it can not be done with this Board. I would ask anyone with the time to monitor an outside management company to run for the Board. We have a great set of by laws to work from, and we should start looking for new leadership in the beginning of February.

Posted by Donald J. McLoughlin

My Corespndance With Rick

I would like to start off this conversation by saying that I do not hold Rick accountable for any wrongdoing of the Board. Rick is our employee and answerable only to the Board. During the recent depositions of Frank, Rick has been “thrown under the bus” and made the scapegoat of many illegal transfers, and other nefarious wrongdoings. He will get his day in court and I believe he will be vindicated.

I have filed complaint with the Florida DPBR I had emailed Rick my latest complaints, concerning our last meeting. When I had spoken to Karen Mack, form the DBPR I had asked her if they would investigate the current problems while they were investigating, , and she had replied that I must submit new complaints. He dutifully forwarded it on to our homeowner’s association attorney and I am awaiting a reply. I had tried to give them the benefit of the doubt by prefacing my complaint with “Is there any reason I should not submit this?”

Rick’s response

I have sent your complaint to our attorney. She will explain the new format for minutes.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2009, at 4:05 PM, "Donald J McLoughlin" <> wrote:DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF FLORIDA LAND SALES, CONDOMINIUMS AND MOBILE HOMESCONDOMINIUM / COOPERATIVE COMPLAINTINSTRUCTIONS: To expedite your complaint it is helpful if this form is typewritten or legibly printed and each question answered fully. If available, attach supporting or clarifying documents and items pertaining to the issues listed in this complaint.

Name Donald J McLoughlin Mailing Address 4040 Galt Ocean DriveFL 33308Unit No.900, cabana 14 City Ft Lauderdale County Broward State Florida Zip 33308Home telephone number (516) XXX XXXX Business telephone number (718) XXX XXXX E-mail address

Complaint filed against: ___ DEVELOPER X_ ASSOCIATIONName Galt Ocean Manor Condominium AssociationIf Developer list principal officer ____________________________ If Association list president Frank TalericoMailing address 4040 Galt Ocean MileCity Fort Lauderdale County Broward State Florida Zip 3330****Business telephone number (954) 568 0507

Has the above been notified of the issues in this complaint? _X_YES ___ NOIf yes, what was the method of notification? emailDate declaration of condominium was recorded in public records:09/01/81_County _BrowardIf a cooperative, date articles of incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State: ____/____/____

Have purchaser unit owners elected a majority of the members to the Board of Administration? ___ YES _X_ NO 1

If you have retained legal counsel regarding the issues listed in this complaint, do you want the division to contact your attorney? X_ YES___ NOIf yes, please provide the following information: Name of counsel Suzanne Weiss, P.A.Mailing address 2110 N. Ocean Blvd., Suite 1703, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305City Fort Lauderdale County Broward State Florida Zip 3330****Business Telephone Number (954) 816-5686 or (877) 754-6734 a)

Has court action been filed regarding any of the allegations in this complaint? ___ YES _X_ NO If yes, attach a copy of each complaint filed in court and any subsequent court pleadings.b)

Has a petition for a Declaratory Statement been filed with the division regarding any of the allegations in this complaint? NO.c)

Has a petition for Mandatory Nonbinding Arbitration been filed with the division regarding and of the allegations in this complaint? NO.

List each issue. If possible, specify the provisions in the condominium act, or the cooperative act if applicable, which you allege have been violated. Attach additional pages, as needed.

At the meeting of December 16 Frank Talerico stated that the Directors were up to date on there maintenance, but were not current on there special assessments! This was omitted for the minutes of the meeting.

718.112 Bylaws.-- (1) GENERALLY.-- (d) Unit owner meetings.-- 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the unit owners held at the location provided in the association bylaws and, if the bylaws are silent as to the location, the meeting shall be held within 45 miles of the condominium property. However, such distance requirement does not apply to an association governing a timeshare condominium. Unless the bylaws provide otherwise, a vacancy on the board caused by the expiration of a director's term shall be filled by electing a new board member, and the election shall be by secret ballot; however, if the number of vacancies equals or exceeds the number of candidates, no election is required. The terms of all members of the board shall expire at the annual meeting and such board members may stand for reelection unless otherwise permitted by the bylaws. In the event that the bylaws permit staggered terms of no more than 2 years and upon approval of a majority of the total voting interests, the association board members may serve 2-year staggered terms. If no person is interested in or demonstrates an intention to run for the position of a board member whose term has expired according to the provisions of this subparagraph, such board member whose term has expired shall be automatically reappointed to the board of administration and need not stand for reelection. In a condominium association of more than 10 units, coowners of a unit may not serve as members of the board of directors at the same time. Any unit owner desiring to be a candidate for board membership shall comply with subparagraph 3. A person who has been suspended or removed by the division under this chapter, or who is delinquent in the payment of any fee or assessment as provided in paragraph (n), is not eligible for board membership. A person who has been convicted of any felony in this state or in a United States District or Territorial Court, or who has been convicted of any offense in another jurisdiction that would be considered a felony if committed in this state, is not eligible for board membership unless such felon's civil rights have been restored for a period of no less than 5 years as of the date on which such person seeks election to the board. The validity of an action by the board is not affected if it is later determined that a member of the board is ineligible for board membership due to having been convicted of a felony.No notice was given for any of the membership to run for office, as a result no election was held. 3. The members of the board shall be elected by written ballot or voting machine. Proxies shall in no event be used in electing the board, either in general elections or elections to fill vacancies caused by recall, resignation, or otherwise, unless otherwise provided in this chapter. Not less than 60 days before a scheduled election, the association shall mail, deliver, or electronically transmit, whether by separate association mailing or included in another association mailing, delivery, or transmission, including regularly published newsletters, to each unit owner entitled to a vote, a first notice of the date of the election along with a certification form provided by the division attesting that he or she has read and understands, to the best of his or her ability, the governing documents of the association and the provisions of this chapter and any applicable rules. Any unit owner or other eligible person desiring to be a candidate for the board must give written notice to the association not less than 40 days before a scheduled election. Together with the written notice and agenda as set forth in subparagraph 2., the association shall mail, deliver, or electronically transmit a second notice of the election to all unit owners entitled to vote therein, together with a ballot which shall list all candidates. Upon request of a candidate, the association shall include an information sheet, no larger than 81/2 inches by 11 inches, which must be furnished by the candidate not less than 35 days before the election, along with the signed certification form provided for in this subparagraph, to be included with the mailing, delivery, or transmission of the ballot, with the costs of mailing, delivery, or electronic transmission and copying to be borne by the association. The association is not liable for the contents of the information sheets prepared by the candidates. In order to reduce costs, the association may print or duplicate the information sheets on both sides of the paper. The division shall by rule establish voting procedures consistent with the provisions contained herein, including rules establishing procedures for giving notice by electronic transmission and rules providing for the secrecy of ballots. Elections shall be decided by a plurality of those ballots cast. There shall be no quorum requirement; however, at least 20 percent of the eligible voters must cast a ballot in order to have a valid election of members of the board. No unit owner shall permit any other person to vote his or her ballot, and any such ballots improperly cast shall be deemed invalid, provided any unit owner who violates this provision may be fined by the association in accordance with s. 718.303. A unit owner who needs assistance in casting the ballot for the reasons stated in s. 101.051 may obtain assistance in casting the ballot. The regular election shall occur on the date of the annual meeting. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to timeshare condominium associations. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subparagraph, an election is not required unless more candidates file notices of intent to run or are nominated than board vacancies exist. 2
This form should be signed and submitted to the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums and Mobile Homes, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1031. Upon submission, this form and all information contained herein, fall within the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Florida's Public Record Law. Accordingly, any person may inspect the case file and may obtain copies of any of the materials in the file.I hereby request the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums and Mobile Homes to review the violation(s) herein alleged. I understand that the division may take action on this complaint pursuant to the provisions of Section 718.501, or as applicable, Section 719.501, Florida Statutes. I further understand that the division does not represent me or my private interests, and that any action taken by the division will be on behalf of the State of Florida. My signature below certifies the authenticity of this complaint.

Signature of Complainant Name of Condominium / CooperativeDate Name of Association3

INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING A CONDOMINIUM / COOPERATIVE COMPLAINTSubmitting your complaint on a “Condominium / Cooperative Complaint” form legibly printed or typed all of the information you supply on the form may expedite the processing of your complaint.Please attach any copies of documentation you have that may support your complaint. Such documentation may include: condominium documents, minutes of meetings, budgets, financial reports or statements, canceled checks, and statements from other unit owners corroborating one or more of your allegations. Any documentation you submit with the complaint will become part of the division’s file.Please make sure you sign the complaint form in the space provided. If you wish, you can attach the signatures of other persons who may wish to join in on your complaint, to assist in expediting the investigation of your complaint.Please understand that the complaint and any documentation that you attach are a matter of public record. Accordingly, any person may inspect the case file and may obtain copies of any of the materials in the file. The division cannot protect the anonymity of your identity.The division can investigate only alleged violations of the provisions in Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 61B-15 through 61B-24, Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to condominiums, and Chapter 719, Florida Statutes, along with Chapters 61B-75 through 61B-79, Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to cooperatives. As a result, the division does not generally investigate issues involving:- Maintenance of the common elements or common areas,- Alterations or additions to the common elements or common areas,- Violations of the condominium (or cooperative) documents.The division does not investigate issues involving:- Contractual disputes;- Criminal matters;- Discrimination pertaining to age, race, special needs, et cetera; and Internal disputes (for example, most issues involving noise, pets, and parking).

PLEASE COMPLETE THE COMPLAINT FORM AS FOLLOWS:Enter your name, mailing address, and telephone number(s).Indicate with a check mark whether your complaint is against the developer of your condominium or cooperative, or against your association. Enter the name of that party, followed by the name of the developer’s principal officer or the association’s president, as applicable, followed by that party’s address and telephone number, if known.State whether you have notified the party against whom the complaint is filed of the issue(s) involved. If so, state how you provided such notification.4

Identify the date that the declaration of condominium was recorded in the public records of the county in which the condominium is located, if known. In the case of a cooperative, identify the date the association was incorporated. Insert “unknown” if you do not know this date.Check in the appropriate space to indicate whether the purchaser unit owners have elected at least a majority of the members of the board of administration (i.e., whether the developer has turned over control of the association).If you have retained an attorney regarding this complaint, please indicate whether it is permissible for the division to contact your attorney. If so, please provide the attorney’s name, address, and telephone number.If you and/or your attorney have filed a lawsuit pertaining to the issue(s) in this complaint, please so indicate and attach copies of the complaint to the court and any other pertinent documents (e.g., pleadings, orders, et cetera). Additionally, please indicate whether a petition for a Declaratory Statement and/or Mandatory Non-binding Arbitration has been filed with the division regarding your allegations. Your response will assist the division in resolving your complaint.Please include a short and plain statement of each issue you wish the division to review.

EXAMPLE: “The association has refused to allow me to inspect the minutes of the board meeting held on October 26, 1999.”

Posted by
Donald J. McLoughlin

Trip Advisor Reviews

To the Anonymous contributor of the tear sheets from "Trip Advisor:" We do not think it is appropriate to publish derogatory reviews from that web site or others like it on your Blog. These reviews are largely the experiences of hotel guests - the commercial use of the building - and not those of owner-rented units. Anyone interested in reading these reviews may do so at .

Posted by
The Blog Team

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spring Break Debacle

Hopefully, after last year's Spring Break total debacle when the inmates were running wild in the asylum, the Board of Directors has taken the necessary steps to prevent a recurrence...

Like stepped up security and arrests when underage drinking, drunks wandering the hallway at all hours and assaults take place. We had to refund rentals last year when 2 tenants left in the middle of their stay and another vowing to never return.

Posted by

Monday, January 19, 2009


Hello customers of IWS,

We are approaching 3 years now, and I must say we have never heard of a job so small go for so long. What is going on? We have been trying to service our customers and fulfill or contracts and install the group of units that have not been installed to date. We need to come to a conclusion with this nonsense. We are being forced into submitting a bill for the additional expenses incurred in the years since we started this and need to know who the governing body is that is making us incur so many unnecessary expenses. Please let us do our job and secure your building.

From what we know this is not our customer's fault and should not be charged to them directly but to the governing body holding us up -yes this means all the owners would have to pay, or if possible, only the liable parties. The owners of the condo need to make it clear that you are fed up with this nonsense and let us install these windows! Our lawyer is on hand if we are unable to get the proper OK to finish our contracts in the very near future and in a more sensible manner.

Thank You for your support.

Posted by IWS

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I would like to remind Frank and the board...

That they promised the certified financials (that are over 1 year late) before the 15% increase .

I will not pay the increase until I see the certified financials.

When will we get them?

Posted by Michael Bencivenga

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Staff Responsiveness?

I agree with Donnie (See his Comment under "First impressions last!!!") about documenting all complaints. I intend to do just that in the future. Apparently certified mail may be the only recourse.

Our experience was this - We recently needed a response from Rick on a few questions that were raised by our renters. Since no one answers the office phone anymore, my husband emailed Rick with our questions. No response. My husband even faxed Rick. Again no response.

Up until this incident, we always found Rick to be responsive. The situation at OM has gone from bad to worse. I am afraid to think what is next........

Posted by
Nancy Paton - Unit 302

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First impressions last !!!!!

Frank can you open your eyes and clean the stained and dirty carpet.

It is a shame that the carpet is only about 1 year old. It looks a hundred years old !!!

If I was renting at the Ocean Manor, as soon as I seen the dirty carpet in the hallways I would ask for my money back!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Bylaws

People have expressed an interest in forcing an election, our bylaws provide for this. I think perhaps it would be better to elect a new slate of officers as per our bylaws where it is clearly stated; “at all times the Owners of the Commercial units will elect 20 % of the Board, and the Owners of the Residential Units and Cabana Units will elect 80% percent of the Board”.{This does call to question weather our present Board is in fact legal, and would their decisions be binding…} “The numbers of Directors shall be increased or decreased so as to accomplish “full” Directors for commercial Unit Owners.”

“The annual meeting for the purpose of electing Directors and transacting any other authorized business will be held at 8pm on the first Tuesday of April each year;”… “At the Annual meeting, the Members will elect a Board by plurality vote (cumulative voting prohibited) and will transact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.”

Our Bylaws will protect us if we use them, they can also be used against us, to terminate the condo association and dictate the sale of our building if it is no longer viable to operate as such.

I would be happy to email anyone a copy of our bylaws. I encourage all to familiarize themselves with your individual and membership association rights. We all have an investment here. While we may not have a say in how our other investments are doing, we will have no one to blame but ourselves if our investment in Ocean Manor tanks. Anyone who would like a copy of our Bylaws can reach me @

Happy frickin new year!

Posted by

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Useless Operation Spending


Unit 307 monthly maintenance is $331 per month. All fees were paid in 2008. The double maintenance was also paid on 04/09/08 and 11/14/08 at $331 as reflected on my bank statement.

You should have sent an excel email for free as Norm did for windows instead of sending to a attorney's office as delinquent and spending association funds.

Fees are as follows: $225 for attorney, $150 for late and $56.22 for intrest. WTF.

Need to give yourself another pay cut for a outstanding job. Not "barking orders" as you stated Rick! Just giving you my two cents worth.

Giovanni Rossetti


Posted by
Giovanni Rossetti
Unit 307

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Re: Minutes Year End Meeting

Hi Rick,

This is concerning the current exterminating company at the Ocean Manor.

Speaking with the tech from Bug Off - he admitted that what he does when he comes on Wednesday will not correct the current problem of investation at the Ocean Manor. The condo's that he actually has access to that day just get sprayed for bugs not roaches or palmetto bugs.

There is another approach for controlling the infestation of the german roaches that are in the walls - Palmetto Bugs - and whatever else is causing a problem. The company that I called in killed the german roaches and treated for palmetto bugs with 2 applications -

You stated that you wanted to talk with -
Triple A Pest Control
Michelle Office - 954-771-3400
Tim Cell - 954-558-4500

This problem has to be addressed as soon as possible - This is a health hazard !!! We need a plan for the entire building - everyone has to be treated to get this building under control.

NOTE: THE TECH FROM BUG OFF STATED - He has seen roach activity in almost every condo that he has been in to treat.

I lost $3000 when my guests left Christmas Week, and I had to pay $325 for treatment. Losing money that is needed to pay for maintenance and bills for the condo is a real problem.

We are known as a roach infested Resort on the Internet and word is spreading fast. We can not SELL or RENT because of the infestation of bugs. - the Lien and Law Suit !!!!!!

The money being spent on bug control is not working - this money is being thrown away !!!!!

I can not afford and will not pay for pest control over and over again. !!! I feel that every condo owner has the same view as I do.

We may have to spend more money to correct the problem. If corrected we will be able rent and sell in the Ocean Manor

Our Maintenance is constantly being raised - Let's spend the money correctly to maintain the building.

Rick, please do not take this lightly - it is definitely a problem for the entire building. Your co-operation is Needed and Appreciated !!!

I do know that Charlie and Shelly are willing to solve this problem - Frank being an owner should be as well.

Please Note: I do thank you for letting Bug Off in and treating the 16 stack for Roaches -




Your Reply to this request is important !!!

Posted by Diane
Unit 816